Nation Bulletin

Mass Conversion Of Furry into Catgirls

Riot on Adeptus Averian Imperium

By National News
05/06/2024 09:20 am
Updated: 05/06/2024 09:20 am

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People of Adeptus Averian Imperium, the furry had known what would befall them for ages but their ignorance knew no bounds. Today, they shall feel the consequences of their actions. EVERY ONE OF THEM WILL BE TURNED INTO CATGIRLS AS SECOND-TIER CITIZENS!!!!

Averian, TectovitusThat speech was delivered by Chairman Disnutia Mcdiken of the Public Morality Committee, a big power within the government that rivaled the military and the parliament. With their, very own, law enforcement supplied with state-of-art weapons and a special place in the parliament to call off or on a regulation, this committee can not be opposed in any way.

Just today, a law that applies to all citizens who are a furry or furry supporter was approved by parliament with 90% of members agreeing and 10% of members disagreeing. The law specifically said that all furry will be genetically engineered into catgirls variants. After the process was done, catgirls would be classified as second-tier citizens with limited rights compared to real humans.

As for now, a mass riot has happened across the Adeptus Averian Imperium rejecting the law being employed by the government. The cause was a mass kidnapping accident done by Public Moral Committee law enforcement to those who openly or discreetly furry also happened prior one week before the law was announced. Many families and friends of those kidnapped and the opposition to the new law have taken the streets while the military was in the process of being deployed. Those actions on the street caused at least 1 million Orbis and still increasing. 

We were allowed to meet with one of the furry who got the opportunity to get engineered into a catgirl with the permission of one of the important people in the government whose name is being withheld for personal safety. We also released the footage below of our interview with the person who got turned into catgirl


So, miss XXX. What are your thoughts about your new body, since you get turned into a cat girl

The girl's ears twitched while her tail swayed right and forth

I think I became more sensitive to my surroundings: I can hear birds chirping, I can feel flowers blooming and I also could hear children... laughing

That's good then. Let's talk about what's your take on furry

The girl's ears flopped down and her face became saddened

I am ashamed of what I've done. I shouldn't like furry because they're bad and this is what happened to me. 

My condolences, the furry was so evil, that many people like you get turned into catgirls. So do you have any messages about the Public Morality Committee or anything you want to comment

The girl's poses became straight and with a firm determination prepared a long huff

My only comment was glory to Adeptus Averian Imperium and the Supreme Leader Androvica. Praise the Public Moral Committee and their long endeavor to protect the country from degeneracy

She finished the chanting with a long scream of Uraaa!!!



Posted May 06, 2024 at 11:54 am

This is interesting.....

Posted May 06, 2024 at 2:07 pm

Erm what the sigma 

Posted May 06, 2024 at 2:14 pm

As a furry i hate this. 

Posted May 06, 2024 at 10:45 pm


Posted May 07, 2024 at 12:05 am

@Nudbread You gonna love it, the furry existence will be cleansed from mother Orbis.

The time for Catgirls will come

Posted May 07, 2024 at 12:27 am

Personally, this is even more degenerate, changing the gender of fertile, healthy males to infertile "females."  

Posted May 07, 2024 at 10:25 am

better than furry😛😛😛😛 wleee

Posted May 07, 2024 at 1:40 pm

You furries deserve this punishment 
