Nation Bulletin

National Information Bulletin of the Republic of Gran Colombia (Work in Progress INCOMPLETE)

Military to come soon, flags also soon

By Gran Colombia Office of National Information
05/04/2024 01:10 am
Updated: 05/05/2024 06:52 pm

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The Second Republic of Gran Colombia is a sovereign republic located with a core territory in Colombia and Venezuela with protectorates in Namibia and Thailand. The Republic has a population of 121 million people spread around 1.2 million square miles with a combined GDP of 1.28 trillion OBD, meaning a GDP per capita of 10,578. The capital and largest city of the Republic is Bogota with the population of the Bogota metro area at 14,681,230 people. The country is governed with a democratic system with a Prime Minister although the military does wield significant power. The Prime Minister is elected by citizens in Colombia and Venezuela and serves 3 year terms with a maximum of 3 terms. Local officials and legislators are elected by their respective provinces. Thailand and Namibia enjoy a greater degree of autonomy and particapate in their own elections The Head of State is Prime Minister Isandro del Valle (Colombian Progressive Party). Official language is Spanish although Thai, English and Afrikaans are commonly spoken throughout the Republic and it's protectorates.



National Flag:



Flag of Colombia:



Flag of Venezuela:



Flag of Namibian Protectorate:



Flag of Protectorate of Siam:


Congress of Colombia (Protectorates also hold seats):

Seats: 377

By region

Colombia Seats: 163

Venezuela Seats: 105

Thailand Seats: 88

Namibia Seats: 21


By Party**

Colombian Progressive Party: 118

Democratic Party: 121

Conservative Party of Colombia and Venezuela: 96

Workers Party of Gran Colombia: 21

Siam Conservative Party: 8

African Party of Namibia: 6

Green Party of Gran Colombia: 4

Chinese Republican Party: 3


** Top 3 parties are Colombian Progressive (light blue), Conservative Party of Colombia and Venezuela (red) and Democratic Party (purple) other parties are highlighted to demonstrate their alignment with one of the top parties. Some are non-aligned and are highlighted differently (Workers party and Green party).



Speaker of the Congress: Diego Almeria (Democratic Party)


More on the Government

The federal government is composed of a unicameral legislative branch with representation based on population and an executive branch composed of a Prime Minister and a Chancellor (Vice President) along with a judicial branch composed of 25 judges from across the Republic and Protectorates. 

The three main parties are the Colombian Progressive Party (CPP), The Democratic Party (DP), and the Conservative Party of Colombia and Venezuela. Since there are multiple parties, some have alliances with minor ones. For example, the Conservatives are allied with the Siam Conservatives and the Chinese Republican Party. This means that they support each other and traditionally vote together on issues. Due to these alliances, the Colombian Progressives control the Congress although technically the Democratic party has more legislators. Legislators serve an unlimited number of 2 year terms and all seats are up for grabs during elections.

The Prime Minister is elected every 3 years and can serve up to 3 terms. However, halfway into their term, an assessment is conducted where citizens provide their opinions on the PM in an official poll. In this poll, citizens will rank the PM on a scale of 1-10 based on how happy they are about the performance of the PM. Citizens who rank the PM 4 or below are required to enter a replacement that they would like to see for the PM. If over 85% of the populace ranks the PM 4 or below, the PM is ousted and the number one voted for replacement will become an interim Prime Minster to bring stability until the next Prime Minister is elected.




Land Area: 1.2 million sq miles

Population: 121,489,209

Population Density: 101 people/sq mile


3 Specially Administered Municipalities

55 Provinces

21 Protectorate Regions in Thailand and Namibia


Largest Cities (Population)

  1. Bogota, Colombia (Capital) (14,681,230)
  2. Caracas, Venezuela (7,940,294)
  3. Maracaibo, Venezuela (5,396,721)
  4. Medellin, Colombia (4,092,820)
  5. Valencia, Venezuela (3,288,102)
  6. Cali, Colombia (3,108,112)
  7. Chiang Mai, Thailand (3,082,365)




The currency of the Second Republic of Gran Colombia is the Colombian Peso. The Central Bank of Gran Colombia is the National Bank of Colombia. 


Exchange Rate Current: 1,00 ₱ = 6,37 OBD$


The Peso Comes in several denominations with coins and bills. 

In order of value, the denominations for the peso are


  1. 0,50 Peso Coin
  2. 1 Peso Coin
  3. 2 Peso Coin
  4. 5 Peso Coin
  5. 5 Peso Bill
  6. 10 Peso Bill
  7. 20 Peso Bill
  8. 50 Peso Bill
  9. 100 Peso Bill
  10. 200 Peso Bill
  11. 500 Peso Bill **
  12. 1.000 Peso Bill **
  13. 5.000 Peso Bill **
  14. 10.000 Peso Bill **

** Used primarily for storing money.



Biggest Industries:

  1. Manufacturing 
  2. Mining
  3. Refinement (Oil and other Minerals)
  4. Real Estate
  5. Pharmaceuticals
  6. Shipping
  7. Banking


Biggest Corporations

  1. Fabricacion Colombia
  2. PetroColombia
  3. Siam Construction and Development
  4. Kaernd Indian-Atlantic Shipping
  5. Farmaceuticos Alvarez
  6. Thai Uranium and Mining Corp
  7. Siam Defense Solutions


Budget 2100: Upwards of 70 Billion OBD



Posted May 04, 2024 at 1:15 am

Buddy really carrying on the Bedland leegacy
