Nation Bulletin

A new nation is born

Proclamation of the Federal Republic of Trito - September 6, 2099

By Provisional Government of Trito
05/01/2024 11:55 am
Updated: 05/01/2024 12:05 pm

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Proclamation of the Federal Republic of Trito by General Nikolai Morkav 

From the balcony of the nation‘s capitol in Triton City‘s People‘s Square


People‘s Square shortly after the proclamation

In the past, Trito faced tough times under communism. But now, we're moving towards a brighter future with the Federal Republic of Trito. We believe in democracy, freedom, and following laws.

We remember the hard times when people fought against unfair rules to support freedom. Their bravery inspires us to create a society where everyone's voice matters.

We know we have to deal with the past and honor those who suffered under communism. We promise not to make the same mistakes again.

In the Federal Republic of Trito, democracy will thrive. We promise to treat everyone fairly and respect their rights, no matter who they are.

Let's work together to make our country better and ensure everyone has a good life.


Welcome to the Federal Republic of Trito! 

The Federal Republic of Trito is a new chapter in our nation's history. After facing challenges under a communist regime, we have embarked on a journey toward democracy and freedom.

In the Federal Republic of Trito, we prioritize the well-being and rights of our citizens. Our government is committed to upholding democratic principles, ensuring equality for all, and fostering a society where everyone can thrive.

As we transition into this new era, we are working on drafting a new constitution that will outline the rights and responsibilities of our citizens, as well as the structure of our government. Elections will be held soon to choose representatives who will lead us into the future.

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we build a prosperous and democratic society for generations to come. Together, we can shape the future of the Federal Republic of Trito and create a better tomorrow for all.

Welcome to the Federal Republic of Trito – where democracy and freedom reign supreme!