Nation Bulletin

President Ingram Makes a Daring Vow

President Ingram vows to fight his own way.

By Itaburg Press
05/01/2024 06:37 am
Updated: 05/01/2024 06:37 am

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From The Independent States establishment

To the Itaburgian-Prussian Civil War

The leaders of both various states fought wars both with and without The Support of Magister Mortalis’ government. 

Heir Sasha Olenhause fought her wars with pure anger and an iron fist. Eventually it led to her downfall and imprisonment.

President Edsel Ingram has so far fought six separate wars. And has led the nation to victory all six times. While the presidents true intentions are still a mystery, and as to where he came from, the people are slowly gaining support for the government once more.

In a recent interview held by The Itaburg Press, he gave precise, honest, and transparent answers.

When asked why he chose to run for president, he said this:

“I ran for the soul fact that I was a soldier in Heir Sashas reign of tyranny. I watched as thousands of my fellow comrades died. And watched as she stood high on her balcony in the capital city and diminished them. I was the one who threw her in that cell. I regret nothing. If Capital Punishment wasnt off the tables, shed be dead by now.” 

When asked as to why his sudden approval of a full militarization, he replied

“I am not militarizing. I am defending. Heir Sasha is a traitor and I know one day she will escape. I see her flag waved daily. Do I order it down? No. You as a citizen of Itaburg are free to do what you wish. However…choose what you do with that freedom very carefully…Heir Sasha is a woman who led this once great land…she led it to the deepest depths of hell and I am to bring us back to reality.”

Powerful words, but when met by one of the people who wave the old flag, he ignored the question, prompting many questions and little to none answers.

Protester: “What do you have to say about your shady dealings of military equipment and your secret visits to the prison where the true leader, Heir Sasha, is unconstitutionally locked up?”

President Edsel Ingram: “Thank you for coming out today, have a good day.”

Some have speculated that the ‘war’ he wages…may not be with a local power.