Nation Bulletin



By SiamCorp
04/28/2024 10:31 pm
Updated: 04/28/2024 10:34 pm

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President Puntasrima Steps down, To Convert to Islam

President Puntasrima has just announced that he will be stepping down as the president of SiamCorp for "personal reasons." He gave a heartfelt speech to the Thai people from his humble family home near Chiang Rai. In the speech, Puntasrima thanked the nation for the support he was given, expressed his happiness about the huge economic and military growth undergone by Thailand and expressed hope for a bright future. In this speech, Puntasrima expressed deep sadness and grief as he made the descision to dissolve SiamCorp and sell its assets to other companies. Additionally, SiamCorp's main subsidiaries will also be dissolved. To end the speech, the President said that SiamCorp had reached a point where it no longer embodied the ideals it was founded upon and "had to go" in order for Thailand to progress economically and militarily. The president then announced that he had been studying the Quran and the Shahada with an Islamic Scholar and that he would be converting shortly and leaving the nation. During the course of Thasin Puntasrima's reign, the Republic acquired Colombia, grew its GDP to over 1 trillion**, is in the process of growing its army to over 1 million strong (reserves included) and the overall quality of life for the people of the Republic has greatly increased. It is officially the end of an era for Thailand and its subjects but this chapter of history for Thailand ended with a bang as bombings and assassinations killed 24 SiamCorp executives and 18 Generals. It is possible that Puntasrima orchestrated the assassinations to set Thailand on the right track. Thailand will also no longer govern its vast empire as interim president Krokrit Pitsuwan is expected to hand over control of the empire to a new government in Colombia.


**I said the GDP was somewhere around 900 billion but ig i went with something a little low (GDP per capita of only around 7500) as I didn't really adjust for inflation so the new GDP considering economic growth should be somewhere around 1.1-1.4 trillion.


Updates on Military Programme

The large draft of reserves and active duty mentioned in this bulletin are to continue despite the regime change but with a few changes. Firstly, in order to make the fighting force of the empire very formidable, the training for active duty troops will be increased to 21 weeks, meaning they have around 10 weeks left. The reserves will have their training increased to 18 weeks, meaning they have around 7 left. The military draft did not occur yet in Thailand or Namibia but 100,000 men will be drafted for active duty with another 100,000 for the reserve forces. Active duty will be subject to 21 week intense training and reserves 18 weeks, the same applies for additions to Namibian forces as 20,000 will be drafted for active duty. Following the completion of the South American troop trainings, I will release my military numbers.



Posted April 28, 2024 at 10:32 pm

Based president????

Posted April 29, 2024 at 4:14 am

God save the Aztecs ⛪️

Posted April 29, 2024 at 6:10 am

A country were drugs are legal and have an Islamic president?

Edit:drugs are haram and therefore prohibited in Islam,

Posted April 29, 2024 at 9:26 am

The President hasn’t converted yet, if I’m correct the bulletin mentions he’s first stepping down before converting and leaving the country afterwards. Besides, IRL, Thailand has made cannabis illegal again and Buddhism also states that one must refrain from intoxicants (i.e. drugs and alcohol), then again Thailand has no state religion so religious rules or the faith of the leader have no effect on any laws. 
In Malaysia with Islam as the state religion, for example, it is only legal to purchase and consume alcohol for non-Muslims above 21. Drugs are a different story ofcourse lol.
