Nation Bulletin

New Vilania and Kolakia get ever closer to final victory in Sierra Leone

It is almost finished

By New Vilania Central News (NVCN)
04/28/2024 03:32 pm
Updated: 04/28/2024 03:33 pm

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New Vilania and Kolakia have made significant progress in the final stage of the war in Sierra Leone. A joint force of 178,000 soldiers have pushed the Sierra Leonean defense line back to within 5 miles of the city center of the capital, Freetown.

First of all, a Kolakian artillery regiment at Tagrin Point has been bombarding Sierra Leonean forces in Freetown round the clock. Then, 20,000 New Vilanian marines made an amphibious landing at Cape Shilling on July 28 and fought their way to False Cape. They lost just 116 soldiers, while the Sierra Leoneans lost over 5,000 trying to fight them off.

The coalition forces fought their way towards Freetown with relative ease, losing only around 4,400 troops while the Sierra Leoneans suffered devastating losses north of 23,000 men.

Here is a diagram of the current situation, with the black lines marking Vilanian marine troop movements and the Xs marking the current position of the marines and Kolakian artillery regiments. The red line marks the main movement of the coalition force, and the X marks their current position:


With this dire situation, the war is essentially over. Thus far, Sierra Leonean military dictator Osman Sillah has refused surrender terms, but he has acquiesced to negotiations. Kolakia will soon regain her control of the region.