Nation Bulletin

War Has Enraged Its Flames.

The Grand Council meeting.

04/26/2024 05:39 pm
Updated: 04/26/2024 05:39 pm

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And so we start...


As the Grand Council of Islamic Bosnia convened, the atmosphere was charged with a mix of urgency and gravity. The room, where the highest-ranking officials and ministers gathered, was marked by a solemn decorum, befitting the serious nature of the discussion at hand. The Kajid, Edin, seated at the head of the table, lent an attentive ear, his expression composed yet visibly concerned. Flanking him, the Royal Guard stood at vigilant attention, their presence a silent testament to the stakes of the meeting.

Session 1.

The session commenced with the Military Minister clearing his throat, the weight of the moment palpable in his voice as he began, "Esteemed colleagues, we are here under dire circumstances. As you are all aware, the Arrgh alliance has declared a war of aggression against our nation. This unprovoked action threatens not just our sovereignty but the peace and security of our people."

He paused, allowing his words to resonate across the room before continuing, "We must assess our military readiness, evaluate our strategic options, and prepare for a response that upholds our national integrity and assures the safety of our citizens. Your insights and decisions today will shape the course of our nation’s response."

Building on the conversation, the Prime Minister earnestly addressed the assembly, saying, "I urge each of you to treat this matter with the utmost seriousness, as our nation faces a significant threat to its security. We have convened the entire Grand Council because it is imperative that everyone contributes wisely today for a better outcome in this conflict, which will ultimately shape the future of our nation."

He paused, surveying the room characterized by its solemn decorum, reflective of the gravity of the situation. Then, he resumed, "The situation is dire, and our response must be swift. We are under attack by two nations; one poses little threat, but the other represents a formidable challenge, to say the least."

After his statement, he invited the other ministers to share their perspectives, facilitating a comprehensive dialogue on the nation's strategic response.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs then took the floor, stating, "I am committed to de-escalating the current tensions and will endeavor to negotiate a peace deal that minimizes damage for all parties involved. Certain actions have already been taken that have complicated the situation..." He paused momentarily, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "As a result, securing a reasonable peace agreement may prove more challenging." With that, he concluded his remarks.

As the conversation unfolds, Kajid Edin, observing the dynamics intently, gently strokes his beard.

The Prime Minister then directed the assembly’s attention to the Health Minister, underscoring her crucial role in the unfolding discussion. "We will now hear from the Health Minister, whose insights are pivotal at this juncture, particularly given the expected strain on our health sector from caring for wounded soldiers and managing casualties," he began. Pausing, he seemed momentarily weighed down by the gravity of his words, before resolutely adding, "And the many other challenges that will undoubtedly exacerbate the situation."

The Health Minister stepped forward, expressing her readiness to address the daunting tasks ahead. "My team and I are fully cognizant of the challenges that lie before us. We are preparing to accommodate both our soldiers and civilians in need of medical care, though, admittedly, this is not a situation where we can 'kill two birds with one stone,'" she explained, pausing briefly to collect her thoughts. "We will strive to manage our resources effectively, but please understand, our facilities will be stretched to their limits, leaving no room for non-essential services." With that, she concluded, "I must end my statement on that note."

As she resumed her seat, a hushed silence enveloped the room. While her words were anticipated, the explicit acknowledgment of the impending difficulties brought a sobering clarity to the challenges ahead...

With this, the first session ends and the press waits for the second one.

Session 2.

After a brief recess, the Prime Minister resumed the council meeting, eager to maintain the pace due to the urgency of the situation. "As we return from a 10-minute break, let's continue," he announced, signaling the shift back to official matters. "I'd like all ministers responsible for civilian needs to stand, except for the Health Minister, as we've already covered that sector."

The Minister of Justice, Minister of Education, Minister of Economy, Minister of Transport, Minister of Sport, and Minister of Tourism all stood in response to his call. Addressing them, the Prime Minister said, "To ensure this meeting remains as concise as possible, given every second counts, I assign the same directive to all of you: prioritize the safety of yourselves and your department's personnel."

Turning specifically to two ministers, he continued, "Minister of Tourism, we must suspend our tourism industry for now, given the imminent threat we face. And Minister of Sport, it’s prudent to dial back sporting events, as preserving lives takes precedence over providing entertainment." He added for the others, "All remaining ministers, your operations are unrelated to the immediate crisis. Proceed with your usual duties but exercise increased caution and avoid any activities near the frontlines." With that, he concluded his instructions for the ministers.

Meanwhile, the Kajid, observing the proceedings, noticed an oversight. The Minister of Islamic Affairs had not been called upon and had remained seated throughout the meeting. Drawing attention to this, the Kajid remarked on the omission.

The Prime Minister quickly addressed the issue, "Oh, how could I forget. I apologize. At the moment, there isn't much for the Minister of Islamic Affairs to actively engage in. However, one crucial role remains: ensure the protection of our mosques, should we fail to, and please, recite some Du'as for our nation's protection and victory."

Following this rectification, the Prime Minister then produced a document, which appeared to be a contract, ready for further discussion or signatures, signifying another significant step in the council's strategy amidst the ongoing crisis. The Contract says the following:





The Grand Council Contract of Defense (TGCCD)


  • The Grand Council will do all the things that were discussed in the meeting in future situations like this one, if there will be any.


  • The Minister Of Foreign Affairs will try to calm the situation down and try to avoid further casualties.


  • The Health Minister will attempt to allocate all possible funds to improve the medical facilities.


  • The Health Minister will attempt to hire more workers to operate the new and improved medical facilities that will hopefully be constructed swiftly.


  • Minister of Tourism will completely shut down the Tourism Field for the time of the war.


  • Minister of Sport will lower the amount of games played in our nation and all the stadiums near the borders will be shut down along with the clubs operating them for the period of the war.


  • All the other fields will continue to operate normally unless something significant happens.


  • TGCCD acknowledges that IBNA (Islamic Bosnian Nation Army) will engage in further offensive and defensive operations if peace is not accepted.


  • TGCCD acknowledges that Bosanski Orlovi will also somewhat engage in the war.


  • The Heroes of The Islamic Bosnia are Allowed to continue their military service in this war however they are not required because of before-hand service they have done.