Nation Bulletin

State of the Nation

A Message from The President

By The President Jethroo
04/25/2024 03:49 am
Updated: 04/25/2024 03:49 am

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My fellow Jordanians,

We are in exciting times! After a hard fought victory over our oppressors and after building a government to lead our great nation; it’s with upmost gratitude that I announce the state of our nation is strong and getting stronger everyday! 

Vice President Jesse and I have worked tirelessly to make sure that our great nation rises to the top. Our National Congress has been established. You, our most faithful citizens, have elected 300 members to the National Congress to represent you and your needs. I’m pleased to announce today that the first bi-partisan bill has passed. National Congressional Bill (NCB) #123 - The Right to Free Healthcare. Now every citizen no matter their age, their economic status or gender will have free healthcare. This is a major stepping stone for the continued freedom of our nation. We aren’t done there! I fully expect the National Congress, under the leadership of Vice President Jesse, to pass a gun bill, a safe to work bill and many others to protect and serve you, our citizens.

Our military is steadily growing daily! The patriotism that is sweeping the nation by storm has created the fastest growth in our military our nation has seen. With this continued growth we will be a threat to the Orbis world. Let every nation hear me loud and clear, do not test us! We maybe a small nation now, but we are mighty! We are strong! I have tasked The Council of Generals to take whatever measures are necessary to ensure the protection of our nation and citizens. Exciting things are in store for our military.

The economy is booming! Our National Market is now open and trading opportunities are growing. Open and free markets not only strengthen our economy but also strengthens our competitiveness in the world trade bloc.

Our nations infrastructure is growing faster than ever recorded by any nation in Orbis. We are building our great nation everyday and investing in our cities like never before. This will only grow our nation stronger than ever before.

My fellow citizens, the future for our great nation is bright and continues to get brighter! I vow that everyday I will work the betterment of our nation. I vow to protect our citizens. This administration is determined to take the mighty Nation of Jordan to being one of the world’s greatest nation. May God continue to bless The Nation of Jordan, its citizens and our military!