Nation Bulletin

Immigration Crisis, Economic Downturn, Decolonization Treaty, MDP Triggered, Arms Deals


By President Finni
04/20/2024 01:58 pm
Updated: 04/20/2024 02:46 pm

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Immigration Crisis Starts To Calm Down


An Areulian Customs Officer At An Immigrant Detention Center


Previously, the nuclear exchange between the Soviet Federation and The United Imperium has caused millions to be wiped out in nuclear hellfire, and tens of millions scattered across the world without a home. With almost nowhere else to go due to the deteriorating  conditions North America, former Imperium citizens found themselves fleeing to other nations along side citizens from countries near The United Imperium and The Soviet Federation.


Due to Areulia's strategic position, radiation has barely affected the island nation and the nuclear exchange seems to have minimal direct effect on Areulia. This made it appeal to many people who seek to escape a radioactive landscape caused by the conflict. Planes and ships were redirected to Areulia, and other nations, forcing them to take in millions of immigrants, in Areulia's case, hundreds of thousands, an estimated 225 thousand that is.


This sudden shift in population increase has caused panic and disorientation among border control and customs staff. The Areulian Customs And Border Control Agency was forced to convert the only 4 operating foreign criminals  detention centers into general immigrant detention centers while they're papers are checked one by one. However, good news has come from the agency as it is reported that so far, at a rapid paste, 37 thousand immigrants have been converted into citizens, reducing it's workload.


The chief of the Areulian Customs And Border Control Agency said in a recent press conference that the agency intends to keep up this steam, with the Areulian government intending to intergrate most of these immigrants into Areulia as citizens, after background checks and certain lessons for them to adjust to the Areulian social environment.

Export Crash Continues Economic Troubles


Port Of Auckland, One Of Areulia's Biggest Shipping Hub


Areulia has long depended on exports for it's economic growth, making a solid 45% of the Areulian GDP. With goods mostly ranging from medicine, electronics and automobiles, Areulia enjoyed great access in the American market, being it's number 1 importer of goods. As an effect, the collapse of The United Imperium had effectively stunted Areulia's economic growth, causing it's GDP to shrink significantly.


Despite the republic exiting the 2096 Recession fairly recently, it seems the government has once again encountered the issue of economic downturn, now caused as a side effect of the Soviet-Imperium conflict. So far, the Asian market is now the number 1 importer of Areulian goods, replacing North America as priority for Areulia's export industry.


This sudden change has caused unemployment to skyrocket overnight, rising to near 2096 Recession levels along side a great drop in the nation's GDP. As a result, the Department of Economic Affairs had to once more desperately bail out multiple manufacturing companies and export agencies, now shifting their focus onto the African, Asian and European markets.






Decolonization Treaty With The British Empire


Areulian And British Diplomats Discussing The Treaty Of Cambridge 


As a member of the A&PSA, anti-colonialism has been a core part of Areulian ideals, even before joining the organization. This is evident in Areulian history, with the Fiji Conflict and the Oceanic Security Doctrine being clear examples of so. Even the Areulian Armed Forces was designed to operate within Oceania for such spesific task.


The British Empire is a large colonial empire seemingly returned from the grave, ruling over it's vast domain once more. Areulia itself declared independence from the empire in 2094, after the empire colonized it shortly after the Areulian collapse. As time goes on, the empire slowly but surely loses it's colonies, one by one, now drived out of Oceania with Africa being it's last continent with major colonies. 


Recently, Areulian and British officials meet in the new A&PSA headquarters located in Arutopia, discussing matters of decolonizing the British Empire, marking a positive turn in British-Areulian relations. The result was the following, the Treaty of Cambridge


-The British Empire Will Release All Colonial Territories As Independent States

-The States Released Will Have Their Sovereignty Guaranteed By The A&PSA And The British Armed Forces

-The British Empire May Keep Certain Lands As Overseas Territories

-The British Empire May Keep Military Installations And Units Contained Within The New Independent States


The treaty was cheered on by the Areulian government, marking a major change in geopolitics and a major step to the decolonization of Orbis.

MDP With The Republic Of Victoria Triggered


An Areulian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Launched During A Past Naval Exercise 


Under formerly ZUKAREVIC, now only AREVIC, Victoria and Areulia was binded with a Mutual Defence Pact, which was aimed to help members of ZUKAREVIC in defence matters, particularly with the now long gone People's Most Sublime Domain of New Zukesa. 


Recently, The Republic of Donbass declared war on the Republic of Victoria, citing opposition against it's reconquest of France, it's original homeland. Although Areulia does not formally support the reconquest of France, even condemning the temporary colonization of Haiti, it has decided to honour it's MDP with Victoria, pledging direct military support through the use of it's naval fleet stationed in Italy.


The Interim Secretary of The Department of Military Affairs, John Ward, has said that as of currently, no plans of a land invasion have been drafted and all operations will so far be limited to sea and aerial operations, focusing on the disruptment of shipping heading to Donbass. The military, so far, has been kept on partial mobilization, in accordance to the previous activation due to the Soviet-Imperium Conflict and many others.

Arms Deals With The Transvaal Republiek And Johore


An Areulian DFJ-12 Taking Off To Showcase It's Capabilities To Transvaal Representatives


Both suprising and unsurprisingly, the military industrial complex is now slowly growing to be a prominent part of Areulia's GDP, with many nations seeking to purchase either it's old surplus equipment or requesting the production of newer more advanced Areulian military equipment.


One of the notable purchases was the Transvaal Republiek's purchase of 60 DFJ-10s and 40 DFJ-12s, completely clearing Areulia's surplus of such aircraft from the Telisan PMC era. The Sultanate of Johore had also made notable purchases, such as the commisioning of the construction of 6 Southwest Class Destroyers and 7 Lincoln Class Frigates. The estimated profit of these purchases alone range in the tens of billions, a significant boost to the Areulian economy.


To meet up with more possible demands, Areulia has started increasing subsidies to companies such as Icarus Armouries and Wellington Electronics, intending to "grow the Areulian military industrial complex and make it a key component in Areulia's new economy". Experts have divided opinions in this matter, however, do far, an overwhelming majority of the nation has supported this move seeing as it will create more new jobs and strengthen Areulia's defence capabilities in this new dangerous era.


Minor Headlines 




-Areulian Student Awarded 1.2 Million OBD For Revolutionary Coding Client Creation

-Subsidies For Computer And Coding Courses In Universities Increase

-Embassy In La Plata Considered

-New Flag Proposed For Theoratical Oceanic Unity


Posted April 20, 2024 at 6:55 am

So, we’re fighting in the same side now

Posted April 20, 2024 at 7:10 am

dang bro, das for real? thats insane
