Nation Bulletin

Currency Change Referendum Scheduled

Gavastek Broadcasting Network

By Johan Erikson
04/18/2024 03:14 pm
Updated: 04/18/2024 03:14 pm

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GBN-           Following a 277-216 vote in the General Counsel, a referendum for the proposed changing of the constitution would change the official currency of the nation, while it being one of the strongest in the world. The current currency of the Socialist Republic of Gavastek, the Gavastekan Rine, which has existed as the country’s currency since the start of the second republic would, if passed, be officially changed to the Gavastekan Krona (Kronor plural). The currency would be of the same value otherwise as laid out in the constitution’s exchange rates, and all current bills would be able to be used or exchanged for their face value upon the passage of the amendment for a one year grace period before the amendment would call for the official tenderisation of the bills as the official and legal currency of Gavastek, upon which old Rine notes would be no longer acceptable as legal tender banknotes in the nation.