Nation Bulletin

Snowfall in Bubanshwar | Diseases And Hunger | Evidence Found In Abandoned Communist Base In Satna

Yes I still exist

By The Greater Indian Post
04/17/2024 12:27 am
Updated: 04/21/2024 01:18 am

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February 17, 2099

Snowfall In Bubaneshwar

For the first time in modern history, the capital of the Greater Indian Republic, situated near the coast, experiences snow. Many people come out of the bunkers just to watch this once in a lifetime occurrence. The snowfall is beautiful as it falls down softly onto the surface, however it is a dangerous beauty that is the cause of nuclear winters that follow the mass detonation of weapons near the Arabian Sea.


Small children who have never even heard of the idea of snow are frightened by the unfamiliar substance that is so alien to them. Some curious children play in the blankets of snow that look like clouds the clouds have fallen down to them. Many don't realize how grim the situation of snow in Bubaneshwar is, and this weather is being reported in many other cities across the region as well as the Union of India. The snow is expected to continue till the end of winter.

The snowfall sends a message throughout the world that nuclear weapons can create such cold winters for places that have historically been known to have very hot and humid tropical climates. It shows us that nukes can be such weather altering weapons in the years following detonation.

Diseases and Hunger Spreads Through Bunkers

The entire nation still spends a significant amount of time in the bunkers which do not have good conditions and lots of space for people. Families have to live with other families in small spaces to make space for the entire population. However, many citizens have been sent to places with more bunkers and less population such as Nebelystan to lower the stress on Greater Indian bunkers.

All this has led to more and more diseases being spread easily through bunkers as if one person is infected, eventually all are infected. Most of these diseases are airborne and include Measles, Influenza and Tuberculosis. The government has taken action as this has become a very prominent problem with bunker life. People who have symptoms of any disease are immediately to be reported and put in quarantine bunkers.


Hunger is also an issue that has plagued the bunkers. Though the government is providing 2 meals a day for most families, many people are still hungry with not much food given. The food given by the government is also not the best in terms of sufficiency, however it is the most they can do for the time people live in the bunkers.

Evidence Found In Abandoned Communist Base in Satna

The Greater Indian Civil War ended in 2097 with a Greater Indian Victory, and was a conflict that was fought between the government and the CSUI (Communist Socialist Union of Greater India), a communist revolutionary organization that wanted to overthrow the government and install a Communist Dictatorship.

2 years following the end of the Civil War, an exploration team found documents in a CSUI base that was in the city of Satna, Madhya Pradesh.   The documents were related to fundings for the organization and mentioned Naxals as the source of money. The Naxals are a Communist Insurgency group that have been trying to install a separate state in India and it is now unveiled that they had attempted to overthrow the Greater Indian Government.


(The AI image screwed up the face lol)

Findings by the Republic of Winners during a raid of an abandoned outhouse that was owned by a Naxal informer also show that the Naxals were contacting Communist Bases in Satna. These findings make the government of Greater India much more serious about the Naxals and a direct enemy to them. The Greater Indian Military will now work with the Republic of Winners and People's Republic of Bangladesh to crush the Naxal terrorists.


Posted April 18, 2024 at 10:40 am

how the fuck i forgot to like this giga chad bulletin


Posted April 18, 2024 at 11:33 am

No problem, your bulletins are chad too :)

Posted April 18, 2024 at 6:15 pm

The Satna rebellion was funded by the Naxalites? Glad I decided to fight against the CSUI then!

Posted April 18, 2024 at 10:37 pm

That’s both reassuring and concerning at the same time… your wording is defintely interesting to say the least.
