Nation Bulletin

Areulia Declares Military Operation Against Lombardy and Piedmont

Helping Out Our Italian Allies

By Areulian News Channel
04/08/2024 11:02 am
Updated: 04/08/2024 11:02 am

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Areulian Operations


An Areulian F/E-18 Bombing Terrorist Positions


Recently, it came to the attention of Areulia that a group known as Le Forze della Resistenza Peimontese e Lombarda (Resistance fores of Piedmont and Lombardy) has declared the regions of Lombardy and Piedmont independent from the nation of the allied nation of Italy. According to intelligence, the group is estimated to be 30k in size, and is currently growing. Therefore, in order to help our allies, Areulia has declared Operation Roman Angels to assist our allies in their efforts.


However, according to Italian officials, the region is one of the most stable and wealthy in Italy which has historically proven true due to Northern Italy being very industrialized. Due to this, an independence war simply makes no sense as even locals are confused of this. Therefore, the group has been declared a terrorist organization by Areulia, deeming it unprotected by the Geneva Convention. The Italian government has also followed suit and will treat captured terrorists under the Italian Civil Laws.


Few weeks ago, Areulian F/E-18s were successfully boarded off of amphibious assault ships from a fleet meant to strike Mundusia, which was redirected to Rome after the event. They were stationed at a makeshift airfield operated by Areulia under permission of the Italian government. When the group Le Forze della Resistenza Peimontese e Lombarda finally declared their existance and incursion into Italian core territory, Areulia had been busy collecting intelligence via UAVs in order to find high value targets. Using the intelligence provided, Areulia has conducted airstrikes on multiple fortified positions which the Italian government confirmed weren't theirs.


Approximately 5 positions were bombed under the Areulian Aerial Guard with no losses due to the enemy not having anti-air defences. Enemy casualties are unknown so far, however it is expected that some civilian casualties were caused due to a bombing run hitting a position in an urban area. The Areulia government is prepared to provide compensation to these families so long as they provide legal documents and proof of the incident via death certificate.


Joint Areulian-Italian Operations


Italian National Guard Troopers Advancing Against An Enemy Dugout 


While Areulia's operation is currently only limited to the skies due to logistical issues, the Italian National Guard had been deployed by Italy in order to launch an offensive to retake the highlighted regions. Approximately 15.2k members of the Italian National Guard were deployed in the recent offensive, with aerial support being provided by both the Italian Air Force and the Areulian Aerial Guard.



Current Map Of The Conflict 


Le Forze della Resistenza Peimontese e Lombarda had made a crucial mistake by initiating it's insurgency in a region which the Italians had heavy military presence within, which was quickly utilized by allied forces to swiftly push the terrorists back from multiple positions, with a huge area being freed in the first few days due to bases being located within the contested region.


So far on the first day, Italian casualties have racked up to 254 while Lombardy casualties are estimated to be around 467-542. Equipment seized from offensives confirmed that they were provided by the late Dagger Company, with many rifles seemingly jammed while captured from enemy hands. Siamese weaponry had also been spotted within captured enemy stashes, surprising Italian officials as to how these weapons were smuggled in.


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Posted April 08, 2024 at 3:25 am

Bro, how many wars are we having!?!


It's almost Orbis Christmas, it's not the time to share gunfire and a high case of death.

Posted April 08, 2024 at 3:25 am


map is inaccurate, please stand by while we resolve the issue


-Areulian News Channel

Posted April 08, 2024 at 7:14 am

Oh lovely, now I'm going to have to get involved 

Posted April 08, 2024 at 10:10 am

^ Don't you dare

Preparing the marines as we speak 
