Nation Bulletin

Country-Abroad || East India Gazette


By Editorial Staff
04/03/2024 08:15 pm
Updated: 04/03/2024 08:22 pm

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Serving nation, Since 2036.

5th of October, 2098

দেশ বিদেশ  နိုင်ငံနှင့်ပြည်ပ COUNTRY-ABROAD  ملک بیرون ملک देश-विदेश

(Special edition on day-to-day events of East India)


East India, after the nuclear incident has shifted a lot of its population in undeground spaces and bunkers, which have greatly impacted the physical and mental health of many in the nation. While there is constant cries of children all around the bunkers, the teens and the youth suffers in isolation from the open world, as a result getting diagnosed by various mental illnesses.

Clinical depression and PTSD has seen a rise among the people of East India, especially after some witnessed nuclear rain and its violent impacts on the land. All this has led to increased su***des and consumption of stimulants, most commonly ca***bis, which is the only legal stimulant in the nation. However, many have also started making their own illegal breweries which make alc*hol.

The nation's people are isolated more than ever. Many have formed small groups, which collectively store food and resources, however have little to no contact with other groups. There is violence and fights in these areas. All that was remaining was a constant smell of ma*****na and feces.




The Maoist parties have seen an increase both in vote and seat share, while an alarming rise has been observed that of National Bolsheviks, who are represented in the form of Red-Star Party. While the Maoists have started to gain support by promising a radical government that is not supportive of any compromise, even if it harms the nation, the Nazbols gain support by spewing hatred against various communities of the nation.

The Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) which is the primary Maoist party of the nation has been instrumental in encouraging peasants and workers to strike and demand complete seizure of the administration, and remains a legal political entity only because of their actions falling in the grey area of law. The CPIML has also formed a formidable paramilitary force, the Bunker Revolutionary Volunteers, who on one hand prevented hoarding of resources, treated the needy with basic medical care and improved sanitation in the bunkers and shelters, while on the other hand have violently murdered various criminals, political opponents and people who hoard resources.


However, on the other hand, the Red-Star Party has increased its popularity among the hills of the East India, primarily by a racist cause. Although the Red-Star party also has provided necessary help to the needy, the Red-Star Party has constantly attacked innocent people, primarily Assamese and various other groups who according to the Red-Star Party supporters, are infiltrators and trying to steal the resources of their states.

The Red-Star Party has been getting a boost in the form of various influential members, particularly in the states of both Mizorams, Manipur, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Karen, Kayah and the Chakma areas of Federated East Bengal. Some influential members have been Jenny Kom, an activist who was already known for her racist speeches, however various new members like Leema Chakma (in image), an actress and a civil servant, who had primarily campaigned to promote peace between the groups of Hills and Plains, seems to paint a very dire situation for the nation. The nation should not forget its old ethno-nationalist wars it had to curb, and the Manipur violence, which led to loss of many lives and resources.

The party claims to believe in Communism, revering people like Marx and Lenin, however also seem to have a soft opinion on various Right-wing personalities like Ashin Wirathu and Vladimir Putin.

Currently legal action is being taken against Red-Star Party, where various Public Interest Litigations have been filed to disqualify Red-Star Party, however as many influential people join the party, it will be important to look what happens to the party and its members.



It has been advised by the ministry of defense to start building around 10 attack submarines and one nuclear submarine for the East India navy. 

The nation has a long coastline to protect, which spans across two oceans, the Indian and the Pacific and sits just next to the Strait of Malacca, which is a major point of trade in the world. Although East India aims for peace, naval traffic and basic protection of its coastline has been reasoned for the expansion by the defense ministry.

The plan will begin by march of next year, till when a nuclear winter and the fallout is expected to dilute off.




Posted April 03, 2024 at 9:32 pm

Very nice, well written and interesting bulletin, but maybe don't use Cyan for the table background XD

Posted April 03, 2024 at 9:56 pm

Nice bulletin. I don’t think Red Star will win but it’s going to be scary if they gain popularity.

Posted April 04, 2024 at 5:56 am

Chad bulletin, 

Posted April 04, 2024 at 7:49 pm

@dauchh_palki I had no idea actually, I just used the most relevant colour I could use lol

@Greater_Indian_Republic Thanks. Prolly nazbols are not gonna win cuz the people of hills form a minority of the population, but can definitely wreak havoc.

 @Peoples_republic_of_Bengal tanks  b1a16d8c107abcb7a5d95eb9f4c751f064e13c73x638.png
