Nation Bulletin

Islamic League of Power have divided us

The worst thing that happened in the last 4 years...

By Minister of Foreign Affairs
04/01/2024 11:27 am
Updated: 04/01/2024 11:27 am

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September 11, 2098 - 12:25

Dear Muslim Members,

In these turbulent times, United Ummah stands strong and united, showing unwavering solidarity. Here's why we're an unstoppable force:

1. Top 25 Dominance: Our alliance consistently ranks among the top 25 globally, demonstrating our collective power and influence.

2. Prosperous Nations: Many of our nations boast over 21 cities, giving us abundant resources and unwavering stability.

3. Active Engagement: Our members actively participate in diplomacy, defense, and economic activities, driving progress and prosperity.

4. Unity in Diversity: Embracing our diversity, we stand united in our common goals, knowing that together, we are unbeatable.

Now, let's address the weaknesses of rival alliances, such as The Arab Kingdom's "Islamic League of Power":

1. inactive Members: Half of their alliance remains inactive, leaving them vulnerable to threats and unable to act effectively.

2. Founder's Struggles: Their leader faces challenges, revealing their vulnerabilities and lack of strategic vision.

3. Empty Promises: Promising no taxes might sound appealing, but it also means they lack the resources to support their members in times of need.

As we face these challenges, let's remember the wisdom of the Qur'an:

"وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ" (Qur'an 2:191)

This verse reminds us that Fitnah and division are more harmful than anything else. United Ummah remains steadfast, committed to protecting our alliance and our shared values.

In solidarity,

Minister of Foreign Affairs 

Algeria, United Ummah


Posted April 01, 2024 at 11:52 am

What you guys are doing are stirring the pot of conflict.

Posting this will make tensions worse and could result in conflict.

As Muslims we are meant to make peace not war.

Posted April 01, 2024 at 12:07 pm


For four years, there was only one alliance bringing Muslims together (UU). Now, your alliance (League Islamic of Power) shows up, causing trouble by stealing over 25 members. We tried to work together, but you refused.

And let's be real, your alliance is so weak that I could beat all of you with a 5553 MMR.

Posted April 02, 2024 at 1:05 am

Not to mention being called liars and hypocrites and extremists by the ILP all while trying to poach our members. Yet, we wanted to unite and guide to become one Ummah who would rise the ranks together.
