Nation Bulletin

Glorious Premier Tiberius Revokes Ban on Rimskayan Nuclear Weapons

The New Age Begins

By I.S.C.U. Party Broadcasters
03/30/2024 07:58 pm
Updated: 03/30/2024 07:58 pm

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State Broadcasters of the InterStatual Communal Union Party


Premier Tiberius Democraticus Ends Decades-Long Ban on Rimskayan Nuclear Weapons Program.

Another historic day in Rimskaya has occurred. As of August 24th, 2098, Rimskaya, under the guidance of the glorious Premier Tiberius has officially abandoned a long-standing principle of our military and resource usage.

Up until this point, uranium has been prohibited by law from production of nuclear weapons. This ban dates all the way back to the Winter Solstice Revolution, in one of the first acts ever signed by Commissar Maximus.

The great Tiberius has made the decision that the possession of nuclear weapons by Rimskaya is a critical aspect of our military that has been missing for too long, and in the world of Orbis, it is necessary for Rimskaya to assert herself on the world.

The Premier Tiberius told state press and officials:

 "I was very reluctant to do this, remembering all the awful horrors that nuclear weapons can bring upon the world. However, it has also become clear that the world no longer takes our state seriously anymore, and no amount of diplomacy has been able to solve that. Therefore, this move is necessary for Rimskaya to remain a key player on the world stage.

I have no intention of ever using nuclear weapons in any offensive warfare, and in the case of defense their usage would also be something that requires much deliberation. However, I believe firmly the possession of nuclear weapons is something that the Democratic Juche idea calls for, and for the sake of our survival and prowess as a country, this is the move that I resolve to advance Socialism forward."

The decision was met with much fear and skepticism from the population, as the great Tiberius expected. The Premier, who has shown his sympathy and caring for the people in any way he possibly can, has gone out to personally comfort the people of Rimskaya, and ensure them that they will not have to face the same calamities that have befallen other states across the world in recent days.

The nuclear program is expected to become the Revolutionary People's Army's top priority, and the glorious Premier Tiberius is set to directly oversee its commencement, testing, and expansion.

Eternal Glory to the Premier Tiberius Democraticus, who shall lead Rimskaya to a new era of prosperity, security, and power!