Nation Bulletin

Everything is fine

Independence, getting nuked, societal breakdown, and more

By The New Cyber News
03/28/2024 09:45 pm
Updated: 03/29/2024 02:17 pm

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Everything is fine

Independence — July 21st 2098

After several considerations, Antigov Action, consisting a coalition of prominent fraternities and private community organizations, have formally left the JGP; several reasons have been cited such as neutrality to avoid possible destructive conflict, recent suspicions with outsiders, the JGP's ineffectiveness at dispute resolution, and the JGP being more of an overreaching federal government than an alliance.

The Antigov Action coalition has decided to temporarily shut down all foreign relations and will bring back naval companies that were previously defending Raritanian ships.

Fraternal members of the coalition are encouraged to limit outside trade and foreign migrants into the membership of private communities.

"Although we feel bad for foreigners who, as a result of being subjects, have to deal with the spike in conflict and tension, we must set our priorities with Cyberium individuals and organizations at home, not matters abroad; it is better to be safe than sorry." — Chief JJLiberty

Nuclear bombing — July 31st 2098

TUI did not like this sudden move, citing betrayal at the last minute and avoiding destruction like a coward. OOC: If I'm being honest though being nuked by TUI feels more honorable than if I would've been nuked by Soviet, so it worked out anyway.

"Each of the following nations will have 10 nuclear weapons dropped on their 10 largest population centers, five nuclear weapons dropped on their five biggest nuclear power plants (if applicable), and 10 nuclear weapons detonated on key military bases in their nation. These nations are Kolakia, Nova Cyberia, and FSSR."  — Alphahawk

Although 2 nukes were thwarted by private nuclear defense systems, 33 nuclear bombs have hit Nova Cyberia, severely damaging infrastructure, nuclear energy companies, and defense company bases.

This will affect the trout population I think

As a result of these nuclear attacks, an estimate of 30 million people have died, either from the nuclear blasts, disease and sickness, starvation, or by some other cause. The 70 million people who are confirmed to have survived are either in bunkers and fallout shelters, or were nowhere near the blasts to be directly affected whatsoever or indirectly affected much.

The destruction of infrastructure, power plants, and military bases resulted in a net loss of ~30% of the GDP, from an economy worth 3 trillion dollars down to less than 2 trillion.

As a consequence, society has broken down into chaos, tearing down the previous network of voluntary interactions that have maintained a spontaneous order in the first place, resulting in the resurgence of notorious criminal organizations such as the Hundezündung, the Church Workers Government Council, and the Cyberium People's Republic for Christianity; each of them being cartels, protection rackets, and hate groups respectively.

OOC: Note that I'm not considering realism so this may or may not be much more damaging to the population and the economy, but I'm not trying to be unable to do rp.

New age — August 2nd 2098

Even though things may look bleak, just remember that God will always be there with you, there's always hope and you can find good even in the worst of situations... that's what I need to tell myself to keep going. Anyway, humans are like roaches, although filthy, we always find unique and unthinkable ways to survive and keep going; this is no different.

Private efforts from individuals and organizations are rebuilding the nation, people continue to mutually exchange goods and services, and interdependence through mutual-aid, as ways to help the economy and ease people's troubling situations. People are rebuilding networks of mutual-protection and private communities as ways to ward off the resurgence of raiders, bandits, and criminal organizations.

The rebuild back before the nuclear destruction may take an estimate of, more or less, 20 in-game years, with a plan to be stronger and more powerful than ever before. Nothing can break the spirit of the free society!

International relations

The coalition has changed its mind on trade, the mass boycott on foreign goods has ended and member communities are infact encouraged to trade and provide humanitarian aid to foreign citizens; this is to encourage mutual-exchange of goods and mutual-aid, so as to improve the fallout radiation and rebuild the economies of Cyberia and the rest of the nations on the continent.

Permanent migration is still highly discouraged, but refugee camps for temporary settlement will be provided for by fraternal societies.

Mutual-defense pacts with neighboring regions, such as Mountania and Novist, will be put into place as soon as paranoia and uncertainty of outsiders dies down and when diplomacy is no longer shut down. The coalition seeks to peacefully interact and ally with more nations, in order to have a bigger voice and higher stake on the international stage, hoping to influence and rub off onto others and build prosperous economies.