Nation Bulletin

Where in the World Are We Now?

The Ending That Everyone Predicted, Yet One No One Really Saw Coming

By The Spirit of the United Imperium
03/28/2024 05:02 pm
Updated: 03/28/2024 05:02 pm

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July 31, 2098 | weather_sun.png

The Great Enemy

The United Imperium detonated 50 Escharian surface burst "cobalt bombs" and a further 50 domestically made "salted" nuclear weapons were detonated on the 100 biggest population centers in the Soviet Federation. A set of conventional missile warheads and a coordinated cyberattack caused nuclear meltdowns (all of either INES Level Six or Level Seven (Chernobyl Class Event) severity) in every major Soviet nuclear power plant. A set of ten legacy Hypersonic Low Altitude Missiles (a modern derivation of the SLAM missile from the 1950s with a neutron injector in order to make the passive dispersion of radioactive fallout for the duration of the missile's flight actually viable) will take paths across the heartlands of the Soviet Federation. Thanks to the HLAM's improvements on the SLAM missile, these 10 missiles will be able to disperse radioactive fallout across the entirety of the Soviet Federation. Even with the consortium of catastrophic nuclear meltdowns across that nation, the HLAMs will make sure that any farmlands that the Soviet Federation still somehow has will no longer be able to function. Tactical nuclear weapons will be used in order to wipe out the remainder of the Soviet Federation's military, including its second-strike capability (which had already been wiped out by Ajakoan and Zukesan operations, but better safe than sorry). What Uranium mines are present in the Soviet Federation will be targeted by conventional nuclear warheads, dispersing even more fallout across the Soviet Federation. The remainder of the 600 nuclear weapons intended for use in this strike, in all varieties of their megaton yields, will be directed at a consortium of targets in order to ensure maximum short-term and long-term casualties. As of this day, the former lands of the Soviet Federation are now uninhabitable. Never again will the Soviet Federation terrorize an innocent nation. Never again will the Soviet Federation gen0cide an innocent people.

The Traitors

Those who abandoned the Imperium either before or in its hour of need will not be ignored. Though the evil beast of tyranny has been slain, the Imperium has a few more nuclear weapons to detonate. Each of the following nations will have 10 nuclear weapons dropped on their 10 largest population centers, five nuclear weapons dropped on their five biggest nuclear power plants (if applicable), and 10 nuclear weapons detonated on key military bases in their nation. These nations are Kolakia, Nova Cyberia, and FSSR. Perhaps the greatest traitor of them all was Novist, whose actions may have indirectly caused us to find ourselves in the current situation. One hundred nuclear weapons will be detonated on major population centers, power plants, uranium mines, and military targets across Novist. In the case of all four of these nations, the goal is not to render their lands uninhabitable, but to leave an indelible mark by which they may remember their cowardice and betrayal.

Final Official Transmission from the United Imperium

President Rysander Regan: Our nation has fallen into anarchy before. It falls into anarchy again. That we may not rise again is, as it was then, a very real possibility. But I want you, my fellow Americans, to look on your nation with pride. You were the light of the world, a source of dignity, honor, and pride which the whole world could look upon favorably. You all truly exemplified that great ideal of the Shining City on a Hill. You idealized the human spirit of exploration and innovation, becoming the first nation to put a man on Mars and setting the Imperium up on the forefront of human civilization like no nation in history had ever done before. You embodied the spirit of friendly competition, winning World Cups, Nations Leagues, OSC Events, and a myriad of other tournaments. You stood, as no nation may ever do again, for the tired, the poor, those masses yearning for freedom from their oppressors. Perhaps most importantly, you, my fellow Americans, embodied that great spirit which our original founding fathers enshrined for this great nation, those inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness which we hold so dear. Though this nation may fall, as all nations must, rest assured, that our legacy will be enshrined in the eternal record of the human race as no other has.

All credit goes to Zukesa for the creation of this video.

OOC Notes:

I wouldn't be surprised if Soviet voids this bulletin at all, it would be well within his character to do something scummy like that, even though there's no real justification for voiding this bulletin.

To get some bookkeeping out of the way: I will still be running Ruddock Media Server and I will probably still help out with IFAPO. I will also have one final bulletin out that summarizes the history and legacy of the United Imperium, and I will have a more definitive answer as to whether this is a PWRO situation, whether I reroll into Israel or an Aviation-Focused Mercenary Company, or whether I finally do the responsible thing for my mental and physical health and leave RP for good.

I am unsurprised that Soviet decided to nuke me. Even though we had explicitly agreed to not use nuclear weapons, I was already aware it was a matter of time before he started using them. The warning signs were already apparent when he GodRP'd a singular EMP taking out an entire Carrier Strike Group, acting as though hardened electronics, redundant systems, Faraday Cages, and any of the other standard fare that exist aboard Naval Vessels explicitly to defend against EMPs simply didn't exist. Then there was him attempting to pull one over me by claiming in the RP server that the unescorted 4th Red Army simply bypassed not one, but two Carrier Strike Groups en route from West Africa to France. There are other problems I had with the way he conducted this war, but that's beside the point. The bottom line is, that the more we (the Imperium and its allies) started dominating the war, the more likely a nuclear response from the Soviets was. You the reader, of course, know the rest of the story, so I won't bore you with the details. Although Nukey and Dauchh were right, in the end. When the chips are down, a lot of the people who claim to have your back will abandon you at the first opportunity. But they were only partially right. Some of you stood by me to the very end, and I am honored to have been able to fight alongside you. 

I'm going to air some things out right now because I don't want to clutter my final bulletin with OOC notes. So here goes:

I firstly want to apologize to Cruzeiro, I really wish we had gotten more of an opportunity to RP together, but it unfortunately wasn't in the cards. Also wanted to apologize to Meg for not being able to do more with IFAPO. To Ajako and Zukesa, I want to thank you two especially. You both fought bravely alongside me in a way that no one else dared to do. I also want to thank Cruzeiro, La Punta, Dauchh, and Nukeya, for not just being fun to RP with, but also because you four always found new ways to make the community a better place. I also want to thank Raritania and Mountania, because they were the only two JGPs who stuck by me once the nukes began flying. 

Of course, there are plenty of bad things I could say about Cyberia, Novist, and the many other nations who chose to betray me in order to save their own skin, but at the end of the day, what's done is done, and frankly, I'm not going to waste more energy ranting about the actions of some people in an entirely-made-up scenario that is loosely based off an online internet strategy game. Besides, I've already popped those nukes off. There is also a consortium of nations who I could criticize for their RP, but having learned from Dauchh and Nukey, they won't listen, so I won't bother. Credit where credit is due, even though some people had bad RP in the beginning, like Luna or Raritania, they at least made an effort to improve themselves, which is abundantly clear when you look at their bulletins from then versus now. To all those nations who are actively making efforts to improve their RP, I commend you. Starting with bad RP is fine. Intentionally sticking with it is not.

Do I think RP will ever reach that peak we had in the 2070s again? No. The damage we as a community have done to it may be irreparable. Do I think RP has a future? Absolutely. People like Tang, Dauchh, Cruzeiro, and Zukesa will always be there to contribute to improving the community in a meaningful way.

The Cold War storyline was fun. Despite the sore loser bit at the end, for the most part, SF was the second closest thing to a worthy adversary that the Imperium has ever faced. The only worthy adversary of the Imperium of course is Nukeya.

TL;DR for all you skibidi brainrot watchers: not surprised by soviet nukes, JGPs, and others who betrayed me cringe, W Ajako, Zukesa, Tang, Cruzeiro, Dauchh, Zukesa, Nukeya, La Punta, and my apologies to Meg and Cruzeiro, Nukey still the only worthy adversary of the Imperium.


Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:09 am

I WAS JUST TRYING TO NOT GET NUKED BY ANYONE! Ever heard of neutrality??? I also was still gonna have good relations with you can stuff.

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:17 am

Wait why am I in there but have a god time healing

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:22 am

It's been an honor and I extend the same honor to you. If I didn't have to contend with certain others to get my storyline moving, it would've been nice to see you join us. But truthfully, this is all just pixels and a screen. Sometimes I almost think, a waste.

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:24 am
  • This message has been censored and banned by the Israeli Communist Party only in Israeli Influence nations for promoting violence in times of need -
Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:25 am

Well if you do quit RP, I hope the best for you mental and physical health, TUI! While if you become some new nation, I won't probably interact much with you, but I'll try to!:) 

(I probably misunderstood that final part, sorry! So if this message doesn't make any sense, ignore it.)

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:25 am

nuking former JPG members including Cyberia, so based, can't even be mad. (Though I think Cyberia was already wasteland enough 😝)

Generous to not describe me as a skibid brainrot watcher, but I appreciate the compliments. I think this bulletin would've been different had both you and soviet not made your intentions of leaving rp atleast within the next year soon. Very mature, and very epic way to go out, even if Soviet is being a silly goober.
As you said, this is your final bulletin, it will be sad to see you go as well (even though I wished for it so many times haha) I hope we can stay in touch and continue having fun, maybe there will be a new rp related adventure, perhaps not. What I'm trying to say is, you leaving rp has definitely set in stone a new age of RP, perhaps the guidance of this will come from over-protective land-grabbers and it will take much longer for RP to heal, or maybe Soviet will have some balls and include Sedrosia in the nuclear strikes (heck I might do it myself and it will get voided :3)

Maybe though, just maybe, something better will come out, maybe we'll all revisit this, and return the times when we could just laugh at the worst godrp offenses, wild escalations in gartic phone games, and Sarlington Tower-Trump-Nukey crappost shenanigans. 
And more to your credit, interesting discussions about military technology, sports, and the fate of RP. 


Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:32 am

Well, farewell TUI, It is a shame that the Sedro-American alliance never got to truly build out like it could have. I do wish you the best, clearly, this is a decent ending to the United Imperium: wiping out the last bastion of communism, etc

@dauchh, pls come back so i can nuke you :3

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:35 am

Ah yes the opal war between TUI and Nukeya. A war that didnt end with nukes but started with them 😎

In my opinion you should just stay as TUI and you know. Leave rp behind, focus on yaself and real life. And if it is pnw related, things where you can have actual fun (like big funny global wars and helping out TFP) instead of whatever mess rp is now.

TUI still truest successor state to murica 🫡

Still only person based enough to nuke TUI ingame over rp so take that soviet hah

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:40 am

Thanks for the nukes, it's been an honor Alpha

Posted March 29, 2024 at 1:40 am

Need to add nuking TUI ingame to my bucket list 
