Nation Bulletin

As The World Plunges Into Darkness…

July 29, 2098

By Government
03/28/2024 07:45 pm
Updated: 03/28/2024 07:56 pm

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With the Soviet Federation launching multiple nuclear attacks against The United Imperium (TUI), the Greater Indian Republic and the Union of India (UOI) as a whole have begun their emergency preperations for this exact event. Food stockpiles are now being transported into the bunkers. The government of the Union of India is evacuating people into the bunkers, becoming ready for the deadly amounts of radiation that will prevail across the globe following nuclear armaggedon.

The food that is being stored is in massive amounts and it is possible for the UOI to survive for quite a while, though a proper estimate has not yet been made. The plan for survival of most of the population of the Union is to cut down giving citizens 3 meals every day to 2 meals every day, with the meals not being very large, but sustaining.

There is also high probability of this being the final event the world may see. This is almost certain for TUI and Soviet Federation, however their are chances that these regions may survive. If the world does survive this great plunge into darkness, then the post-nuclear world will be very weak, and shall take centuries to fully recover.

Citizens of the Union of India, we are facing a mass crisis that is very grim, but we are strong and must survive, no matter how much pain the process may cause. As the world plunges into darkness, we hope that the very thing that differentiates humans from other species, humanity, to return to mankind. We shall prevail, humanity will return.


*Very short bulletin, I know, hust needed to make a response to this craziness. Thanks for reading, and good luck on surviving the nuclear holocaust.


Posted March 28, 2024 at 7:55 pm

We the states of East Indian region would like to appreciate the work being done by the states of the Greater Indian Republic region.

-Ratree Pranee Metharom, Interim President of East India Region.

Posted March 28, 2024 at 7:58 pm

All Indian citizens definitely thank East India for its efforts in preserving the Union of India.
