Nation Bulletin

King Meriwether BREAKS the left "THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS"

The Isle of York is a traditionalist country and king Meriwether is their Leader and King.

By from the ferry
03/21/2024 05:41 pm
Updated: 03/21/2024 08:36 pm

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without haste on the cool brisk morning that lay upon the edge of winter. Meriwether overlooked the white and grey city square below. Overlooking spring, overlooking winter again. He wished to go back inside and finish his black coffee in the inn... and yet. 

and yet he hesitated, momentarily. There was a young woman wearing a strawberry coloured bonnet. Her beautiful face seemed so fragile and lost, and yet, and yet it was sweetly smiling. Her dark soft eyes looked up at him. 

"come hither" he spoke reluctantly, almost silently. He smiled as she turned and walked away.


The speech he was to make was yet another one he felt they needed. And so thus, he proceeded to govern the cluster of people with warmth, and stern composure. 

He was the king after all. and the glistening raindrops that pattered down from the dark flecks of his hair felt like teardrops 

he looked beautiful 

At least to them. A silent king is one who knows so well the hardships and the difficulties that farmers, peasants and villages have to face. His is the voice of a  sombre king. The deep lull of the wind between wooden beams of the barn, of the windmill, of the chocolate trees, with barks that do not sway with ease. His frown; it is unflinching, it does not gentle or fade. It pierces through and his sparkling black eyes glisten like the crimson edge of  iron. 


“Men and women… I am here to speak to ye all today…..”




“Apparently the king said there are only 2 genders?” Mr David of the isle of Harris newspaper said in a baffled voice as he stood beside the fish and chip van in Tarbet

“really? I thought there were 100 genders… I don't understand how the king could be so dumb?” 

“I know right… I mean gender is a social construct and the amount of genders is basically un-numbered because whoever chooses to identify as anything can make a gender of their own!” 

The villagers all spoke in whispers and hurriedly so 

And then, amongst the chattering folk

A young milkmaid approached 

“His majesty said that biologically there is male and there is female. Female is characterised by being born a biological woman or girl. And male is characterised as being born a biological man  or boy.  Male and female are the only genders on earth. Apparently each of us are born either male or female. 

He also said that in recent times so many have become confused with words that have no validity in biology. Of course his manner of speaking was very dignified and posh … but the thing i remember reading about was that he said that these confusing terms  are being called factual and have been used in order to validate the feelings of those who feel they are not what they actually are. 

The left movement is now trying to have these many terms, viewed as factual terms. But the claim that there are more than 2 genders is false. To even say this is seen as really really offensive in our progressive world.

People can feel whatever they want to, but to try and change the overall perception of biology and skew the facts in order to validate their own fantasy of reality.  is actually bad for the education of the younger generations. 

Those in the younger generations are becoming confused by terms that do not have any biological bases. The idea that there are 2 genders is what should be understood by children and yet the facts are skewed so much in primary schools that children are not given these grounding bases of reality. The subjects that are taught to kids have political correctness within their teaching intent.. 

You may have your own ways of labelling yourself. But this does not mean the meaning of biology and fact should change for this fantasy” 

The milk maid then paused and said “The king also said that only a woman can give birth to a child. He seemed shocked at the recent talk that women were being labelled “pregnant people”. He said this was an insult to all women. He could not believe they were using these terms. York is a very old fashioned land that is built and formed from traditionalism. In other words the king's people are deeply conservative. Therefore his speech was not actually meant for the yorkish but for the leftist movement which is quite popular on the mainland and also here on the isle of lewis and harris, His wife's home. .” 


The villagers found the king's opinions very offensive and instead of discussing any further they told the milk maid to shut up for her stupidity.

“How can you call yourself a feminist if you don't validate the existence of real women?” 

She was asked. 


“That bad king… he really is promoting harmful views” another said. 


“Dudes got some brains… '' another said. 

Then someone thought of something …”I wonder what the queen thought of all this… where was she anyway?”


She travelled with the king to the town, where he spoke. I think she must have been nearby somewhere.




Posted March 21, 2024 at 7:56 pm

This is goofy. I love it!

Posted March 21, 2024 at 8:41 pm

thanks :)

Posted March 22, 2024 at 10:35 am

