Nation Bulletin

The Norden Republic's Constitution Part I

This took me 3 + months to write! Hope you can take sometime to read!

03/17/2024 04:45 am
Updated: 03/17/2024 04:47 am

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The Norden Constitution



We, the People of the Norden Republic, proclaim our Legitimacy and Union. The Norden Republic is a Union of the following States as of the time of writing: Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Oslo, and Sweden. In this Nordic Unity, the People and State respect and embrace one another's culture. Though they may be different, the People in each Republic in the Norden Republic hold a belief in these three unalienable rights that are given by our creator: Life, Liberty, and the Ownership of property. These rights shall not be infringed nor encroached upon. The People of the Norden Republic affirm that the Government is a necessary evil, and that if the world were perfect there would be no need for a state nor Government. The Government's role is solely to protect its people and their rights, promote the sanctity of human life, and uphold order within its power in a world of chaos. This does not imply that there should be more Government but less; simply less Government is the best Government. If the State/Government or an individual(s) attempts to infringe on the three unalienable rights, the Individual(s) will be punished and the State/Government shall be abolished in order to establish another that puts these values first. The three rights apply to all people regardless of their belief in a creator.


Section I: The Legislative Branch


The legislative branch and power shall be vested in the Versammlung of the Norden Republic, which shall be composed of representatives from each regional administration. The Example levels of Administration are: Federal: The Norden Republic, State: Sweden, Provincial:Lappland, Regional Administration: Arjeplog, the city of Arjeplog.


Subsection I


The Versammlung shall be composed of members chosen every two years by the people in their respective regions.


Subsection II


Members of the Versammlung must be at least 25 years of age and a natural-born citizen. Members of the Versammlung must be mentally competent to fulfill their position. Each Regional Administration shall have an elected member to represent their respective Regional Administration.

Subsection III

 The Versammlung members shall appoint a Head of Versammlung who shall have the authority to initiate inquiries of those in power and, upon finding wrongdoers guilty, shall dismiss the guilty party. In the absence of a member of the Versammlung, the judicial council shall appoint a member or members until the vacancy is no longer present. If the Versammlung is equally divided, then the Head of Parliament will be allowed two votes rather than one. If the Head of Parliament is absent, the Versammlung must appoint a provisional Head of Parliament.


Subsection IV

 If a Marshal, President, or cabinet member is inquired about, at least two-thirds of the Versammlung must be present. The Judicial Council will judge these inquiries and at least ⅔ of the Judicial council shall be present. If, in the inquiry, the Marshal and/or President and/or Military and/or Cabinet members have been found guilty, then he or she will be dismissed from office by the Versammlung immediately. Deputy Ministers of the cabinet members (Cabinet members and Minister are interchangeable titles) shall assume the office of ministers who have been found guilty until the following election. The Marshal's Vice Marshal shall face an inquiry and if the Vice Marshal is not found guilty, shall assume the office of the dismissed Marshal. The Vice President shall face an inquiry and if the Vice President is not found guilty, shall assume the office of the dismissed President. After the dismissal of said members on the grounds of criminal activity, they will be liable to trial, judgment, and punishment according to law.


Subsection V

 The Versammlung shall convene once a year on December 15th. The convention of the Versammlung shall be recorded and published to the public at the discretion of the Judicial Council. Members of the Versammlung shall convene for no longer than three days.


Subsection VI

 Members of the Versammlung shall receive payment from the treasury of the Norden Republic for their services. Members of the Versammlung shall not be arrested in the convention of the Versammlung, except in cases of felony insurrection and violence. No Member of the Versammlung shall hold another office while serving in the Versammlung. Bills concerning raising taxes shall be presented to the people of the Norden Republic and shall not pass without the consent of the Norden people. The Norden Republic shall retain a flat tax methodology, with an exception in a state of emergency. A flat tax methodology is in place to stimulate economic growth and prosperity for the people.


Subsection VII

 Every bill passed by the Versammlung shall be brought forward to the President if it concerns civilian affairs, and to the Marshal if it concerns military affairs, and to both if it concerns both affairs. If he or she approves, he or she shall sign it. If he or she disagrees, then he or she shall send it back to the Versammlung with his or her objections. The Versammlung shall reconsider his or her objections factually. If two-thirds of the Versammlung have reconsidered the bill after the objections and it is approved by two-thirds of the Versammlung, then it shall become a law. The votes for the affirmative and negative shall be documented in the listing of names of those who vote on the affirmative, negative, or abstention. If the President or Marshal does not sign or receive the bill within ten days, the Versammlung will revote on the bill, and if two-thirds approve, then it will become a law. Every order, resolution, and/or vote shall be presented to the Marshal or the President, depending on the matter. Civil matters shall be addressed by the President, while military matters shall be addressed by the Marshal. The same process shall be followed for said matters. 


Subsection VIII

The Versammlung may impose taxes for the following purposes: (1) paying national debt, (2) supplying the fiscal needs for the Armed Forces, militia, and police forces, (3) to punish those who have committed crimes and to hold fair and just trials for all citizens, (4) for the defense of the Norden people and their liberties, combating civil violence, (5) to train the militia, armed forces, police forces, fortifications, the national arm stockpile, and to initiate more orders, and (6) to declare war only on the grounds that the people of the Norden Republic have been attacked and there is no other plausible alternative.


Subsection IX

 No state in the Norden Republic shall issue its own currency, except that of the Norden Mark, which shall always be equivalent to the value of 1 oz of silver or gold. A Norden Fraktion shall be equivalent to its number in gold or silver. For example, .25 Norden Fraktion must be equivalent to 0.25 ounces in silver or gold. 


Section II

The President shall serve as the Head of State and the Marshal serve as the Head Of Government. 

The executive powers shall be shared  between the Marshal and the President.


Subsection II.I

Parties in the Versammlung shall appoint a Party Leader who will be the President if the Party is elected. The party leader shall appoint a secretary if he or she is absent or unable to do his or her duties. The Secretary shall be the Vice President if the Party leader becomes President of the Norden Republic.


Subsection II.II

The Versammlung must select a President who meets the following requirements: is over the age of 35, mentally competent, a natural-born citizen, has not been dismissed in a prior term, has been residing in the Norden Republic for the past 10 years and  not convicted of a felony.


Subsection II.III

The President may only serve two consecutive terms before taking  a “break term” from serving and running for office again. The President may not be permitted to serve in office again if he or she was dismissed in a past term. The President  and or Vice President shall be dismissed if he or she is found guilty in an inquiry.


Subsection II. IV

Presidential elections shall be run like this:

In the Primary Presidential Election, a Presidential candidate will be from each of the respective party's Leaders, and their Vice President will be the Party Secretary. Party Leaders and Secretaries will be pre selected before the elections based on the majority vote within the Party. The PPE will confirm that these said party leaders are genuinely chosen by the Party. The PPE’s shall be concluded by March 30th. The General Presidential Election (GPE) is where the citizens of the Norden Republic vote from these candidates. These elections shall be concluded on April 15th. In The Final Presidential Election (FPE) the Versammlung will vote based on the results of the GPE and the Candidate with the Majority of votes is the President. This shall be concluded on April 30th. The President shall be Inaugurated on May 7th.


Subsection II.V

Upon inauguration the president shall affirm the solemn oath: “I solemnly swear that I will dutifully discharge the duties of my office to represent the people of the Norden Republic, be a faithful steward of civil affairs, and ensure peace and prosperity among the People of this great nation. “Ein Hoch auf die Republik Norden


Posted March 17, 2024 at 4:38 pm

3+ MONTHS????

Posted March 17, 2024 at 7:56 pm

Yes it was fun, and very long lol! I mostly started to write more at the beginig of this month.
