Nation Bulletin

Brutussians stunned by Brutussia’s raid on Lefania.

Have we stooped too low?

By Newscaster Mr.Attractive
03/13/2024 09:48 pm
Updated: 03/13/2024 09:48 pm

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Radio channel 34.21 FM turns on

In a move that surprised everyone in Brutussia, the federal government ordered a raid upon a smaller nation than ours. Seeing this as quote “Our way to rise the ranks” (referring to the Bound Forces), the fed saw this as a necessary evil. Now we subjected the people to what we were subjected to, and in this humble newscaster’s opinion, it’s downright wrong. Luckily, a higher up at the BFoJ told us to stop the fight, which saved both of our peoples from more death.

Approval rates in Brutussia plummet, and the nation we raided has yet to respond to the peace. Hopefully the war can end before it gets too far. As the only broadcast that can be seen from the outside, I would like to be the one to apologize to the Lefanian People.

Gods bless Brutussia, and glory to the ones who stand for peace.

Radio channel 34.21 FM turns to static.


Posted March 14, 2024 at 2:49 am

This shows new divisions sparking inside Brutussia, hopefully things don’t get too bad for the young nation…
