Nation Bulletin

Boxing Day 2097 News!

All events that are current

By Philip Peters, News Correspondent
03/10/2024 10:15 pm
Updated: 03/10/2024 10:15 pm

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The Prime Minister Duke Montgomery has decided to retire as leader of the Navy and as Admiral of the Fleet. He will be replaced by the new Fleet Admiral Charles, Lord Spencer as appointed by the King earlier today. 

The Army is being rebuilt and is in reality, running the navy hence why no ships are on quota. However, there are separate sailors and officers within the Navy. 

Britannica is still waiting on a peace offer as The War Minister Field Marshal David, Lord Thorton, the PM and His Majesty the King have approached the Foreign Ambassadors with no response following the Britannic cabinet’s willing proposal. 

Duke Montgomery’s government is under heavy pressure from opposition from the Britannic Conservative and Royalist parties. Polls show that Montgomery will not win the next election.

Faith in government has been restored to a peak of 71% by the citizens despite recent crisis. The Duke has had to make quick spending of £900 billion, which was around 80% of the GDP. The government is likely to go into recession.

5 new cities were built and they are being used as military bases currently, they have a huge problem with homelessness as Britannica reaches a population height of 1 million people, following the distraught massacres over the last couple of months.

“The sheer numbers of families, children, mothers, fathers and the elderly, whom have been slaughtered, proves to me that this is one of the biggest genocides in world history. At this current moment, we have too small of manpower to resist three nations. We have gone into anarchy, our land is too small, and families are in dire poverty. This will never be forgiven and peace will need to be approached accordingly.” This was said by the Foreign Secretary in Parliament on Christmas Eve.

“The manifestoes if the three governments who waged war on our nation a few months back, have had their top policies to be the eradication of our people. They have without a doubt, shown to be racialist nations and will seek the wrath of God himself. Whilst we can’t protect ourselves in the present. Evil never wins. God knows the righteous and the wicked.” King Horatio II made in his speech today.