Nation Bulletin

The End Of The Greater Indian Civil War

An era of war and civil unrest is over.

By The Greater Indian Post
03/02/2024 10:01 pm
Updated: 03/05/2024 08:49 pm

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The End Of The Greater Indian Civil War

September 21, 2097weather_cloudy.png

*Sorry for the crappy bulletin, just had to do it quickly.

War has finally come to an end, the years of struggle and an era of war has been removed from the Greater Indian Republic. No more shall the people live in fear of a Communist Dictatorship taking over the region. Citizens celebrate from across the state, Satna has been freed from tyranny and destruction.

Over the years of the Civil War, the National Government was slowly cracking down on the Communist Revolutionaries. One of the most helpful tactics in the war was the air striking of enemy outposts and securing those positions later. It was a slow process that eventually proved to turn the war around, weakening the CSUI’s (Communist Socialist Union of Greater India) troops.

After such a hard fight, the last of the CSUI started to cripple down. Greater Indian Forces started retaking the first territories that the CSUI took. Getting to Satna City, main headquarters of the Revolutionaries and also the place where the Civil War begun, was the main goal of the Army. Once that happen, there would be no leadership for the leftover troops, and the war would be over.

On September 13th, 2097, Satna was recaptured by the Greater Indian National Military, freeing the city from their Communist Oppressors who had ruled them for years. This day shall be celebrated by the Indian people every year for it shows the resilience and strength of the nation.

Indian Army Celebrating End of Civil War

We have won the war, but we must also honor the lives lost during this war, from soldiers to the every day citizen itself. So many people died during the reign of the CSUI on Satna. Those who were suspected of being loyal to Greater India were executed, along with their families. These acts are so vile and violate the rights of the citizen.

We must be so thankful to the soldiers who fought and lost their lives in the war for not letting these acts be committed by the CSUI across the nation. So many soldiers lost their lives for what they believed in, the prosperity of Greater India. For this, every soldier must be given the highest honor from all. May all the lives that were lost during this period of time Rest In Peace.

Now, as a united nation, we must rebuild Madhya Pradesh’s infrasructure and Greater India’s economy. Now that the war is over, the country is starting to fix the problems caused by the Recession. The Greater Indian Republic has significantly lowered taxes and also given loans to some of the nation’s largest buisiness’s wich were hit hard by the Recession. This seems to be slowly helping reduce the economic downturn, but there is still a long way to go to completely fix the economy.



Posted March 03, 2024 at 1:05 am

Congratulations to the Greater Indian Republic on winning the civil war that has plagued the nation for so long. Your resilience and determination have shown the world the strength of your people. We hope that this victory brings peace and prosperity to the Union of India as a whole and its citizens.

 - Ministry of Foreign Relations of Cruzeiro

Posted March 03, 2024 at 4:26 pm

We thank the nation of Cruzerio for wishing the best for our nation and wish the same for Cruzerio.

            -Prime Minister Giga Chad
