Nation Bulletin

Luna declares armed neutrality


By The Lunar Post
03/01/2024 04:33 am
Updated: 03/01/2024 04:34 am

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As global tensions rise, the Lunar Department of Defence has officially declared the nation's policy of armed neutrality.

Following the Republic's removal from the Global Economic and Defensive Organisation (GEDO) in the past weeks, mobilization and active preparation for war are unnecessary at this stage, according to Secretar  of Defence Elias Anselm.

"At this point in the global situation, the greatest concern is any attack on or invasion of our borders. Despite our friendly relations with GEDO, war will be avoided if possible," Anselm said in a August 27 interview.

Although the nation intends to avoid conflict and remain pacifist if at all possible, protections are being put into place to ensure the safety and security of the populace. Julian Lindberg, a resident of New Slovokanosia, believes that these protections are a good step to take.

"Well, of course the best case is if we're not attacked, and in all honesty it's better to be prepared and safe than unready if it happens," Lindberg said. "Right now they're just increasing military presence around the borders in particular, which is a good sign. It's just good to see this nation ready so we're not left struggling if something goes wrong."

However, some have been opposed to the Lunar foreign policy under President Aurelia Aquila. Erika Kern, a resident of Spes, believes that pacifism is more dangerous than beneficial.

"If you want peace, prepare for war," Kern said. "Being a pacifist state makes us look weak, and so does our limited military funding. We aren't ready for war and it's going to strike at the worst possible time."

Some residents of New Slovokanosia have theorized connections between the particular increase in military presence there and the Zentekan revolution in Crimea.

"As a nation, we have not yet officially declared support for either side in the Zentekan-Soviet war," stated Aquila in a recent press conference. "However, as a nation, we seek to protect and maintain the safety of all our Zentekan immigrants and ensure that our cities are safe and welcoming."

Controversy over the welcoming of the Zentekan royal family into Greenland has particularly spiked as this war has begun. Despite this, Aquila has promised to maintain a safe environment for all immigrant families, regardless of their nationality, as stated in the Lunar Constitution.

"We are a nation of immigrants," Aquila said. "And we are a nation that will welcome in families who may not be safe in their home countries, and provide them shelter and safety."

The armed neutrality policy also seeks to protect immigrants from potential threats, while defending the Republic against any malicious intent from any side of the numerous conflicts and rifts in this tense environment.

"Rest assured that right now there are no active threats to our people," Anselm said. "But this policy is a way to ensure that it stays that way. We will not be caught unaware again."





Posted March 03, 2024 at 5:18 pm

I agree with androvica

Posted March 05, 2024 at 8:14 am

Armed neutrality is truly the best option, since it allowed readiness to counter with force an invasion of rights by any belligerent power.


Good job, my fellow neighbor!
