Nation Bulletin

Tax reforms make the country more attractive for business

Following the recommendations of the OECD, the country is seeking to become more developed

By Mohammed Kalab, The Economist
02/25/2024 04:54 pm
Updated: 02/25/2024 04:54 pm

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Interest Rate Reduced

The Central Bank today set the interest rate at 0.97%, down from 1.73%. The government's aim is to increase the expansion of large companies and the profitability of metal companies (affected by the metal crisis).

Tax Cuts

From June 1st, the National Personal Tax and Corporate Tax will be reduced by 60% and 30% respectively. The government wants to improve the purchasing power of the population, one of the palliative measures to combat the loss of purchasing power.

The Economy Council also wants to make Beistum more attractive to new businesses, paying special attention to the technology and energy sectors.