Nation Bulletin

The 2097 2nd Parliamentary elections results

July 7, 2097

By I.B.O.M.
02/25/2024 01:17 pm
Updated: 02/25/2024 01:17 pm

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After no party was able to form a government the president made new elections. 

According to the constitution Parliamentary elections may happen 3 consecutive times in case no gov is formed a 4th election happens were every party over 3% gets at least a Ministry. Because the last time that elections took place was less than 6 months the same parties were accepted and no additional fundraise took place.



the results 





The Parliament 

(According to the Megisian constitution 275 seats are elected directly from the people, 15 seats are elected from abroad and 10 seats are elected by total percentage (a party that got 20% gets +2 seats.)) Also if the first party gets over 30% they get a 5 seats bonus and another 5 seat bonus if they get more than 40%) 


275 seats elected directly 


New Meg: 119 (+5) = 124 seats

Megisian Spartans for the Motherland: 51 seats 

All together: 30 seats

Christian Nationalist Macedonian Party: 24 seats  

Socialist Movement: 17 seats 

Communist Party of Meg: 15 seats 

Liberal Conservative Union: 13 seats 


15 seats elected from abroad 

(If the first party from abroad gets over 40% is rewarded with +2 seats)


New Meg: 7 (+2) = 9 seats 

Megisian Spartans for the Motherland: 2 seats 

Christian Nationalist Macedonian Party: 2 seats 

All together: 1 seat

Liberal Conservative Union: 1 seat 


10 seats elected by percentage 

(Remaining seats are given to the winner.)


New Meg: 4 (+1) = 5 Seats

Megisian Spartans for the Motherland: 2 seats 

All together: 2 seats 

CNMP: 1 seat



Last (June) Parliamentary elections


NM: 136 seats

MSM: 58 seats 

ALTO: 33 Seats 

CNMP: 28 seats 

SM: 19 seats

CPM: 16 seats 

LCU: 12 seats




NM: 138 seats 

MSM: 55 seats 

ALTO: 33 seats 

CNMP: 27 seats 

SM: 17 seats 

CPM: 16 seats

LCU: 14 seats 



The President of Meg has now given the Mandate to New Meg to find a partner to gover Meg.