Nation Bulletin

Iberian Economic report/Iberian vessels make way towards Hyperterra for arms deal

I'm tired so this is somewhat low effort

By National Press
02/17/2024 05:59 am
Updated: 02/17/2024 05:59 am

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Economic Report

It has been near 2 years since cracks first began to appear in the global economy, now with the recession in full swing, the world feels its affects. Due to cooperation with other nations, Iberia has managed to create an apparent plateau for its affects on the nation. Experts say that things may only get better from this point onwards. Here is the latest report from various industries and the pricing of goods.


Lumber Industry

Jobs lost: 71,759

Trend: downturn

Stock prices (average % change): -2.21

Average price of wood: 160 Euros per board


Mining industry

Jobs lost: 37,934

Trend: slight growth

Stock prices: 0.27

Average price of minerals reaches highest peak in decades


Metal and Ship building industry

Jobs lost: 55,982

Trend: very small growth

Stock Prices: 0.13

Average price of goods has not changed much from the first downturn


Construction industry

Jobs lost: 113,732

Trend: massive downturn

Stock prices: -3.09

Average salary: 14.5 an hour


Factory or industrial workers

Jobs lost: 672,891

Trend: very slow recovery

Stock prices: 0.09

Average manageability: On Average, 45% of workers are able to manage their lifestyle on their current pay


Small buisness

Jobs lost: 1,390,000

Trend: massive downturn

Stock prices: NA

Small Buisnesses forced to close: 234,000


Based off of data gathered, experts say that Iberia will reach the peak of the recession sometime this year and that the nation should be back in working order by 2099-2100, a much better estimate than the original date of 2103.

Iberian Vessels make way for Oceania

With the global recession reaching its estimated peak, Iberia has begun to open trade once again, to start this trend of proper trading, 3 destroyers of the Armada and one cargo vessel have been selected to make the journey to Hyperterran Oceania in order to perform this deal. The three destroyers serving as a simple escort, this cargo ship is quite well protected. The Caudillo has ordered the these ships fire upon any ships that do not maintain a safe distance and to kill any potential pirates without mercy.