Nation Bulletin

Tragic End of War!

Painting courtesy of Sangai-Bin Fuasal

By Dege-Man Lin
02/16/2024 03:19 am
Updated: 02/16/2024 03:20 am

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On the 12th of February, 2097, Els-Kaal Ayubas died in the Siege of Amlud. On that day, 65,000 Ayub troops, and nearly 15,000 soldiers from 13 foreign countries stormed the gates of a small fortress outside of Amlud.  At 11:27 AM, a combined force of over 5,000 soldiers, 12 tanks, 2 helicopters, and 6 Artillery Brigades fired upon the camp’s walls. Every one of those men died. At 11:31 AM, ßül Kämmle lead 12,000 rebels out of the fort into the battlefield. At 11:58 AM, Els-Kaal lead 2 cavalry brigades (yes, we have soldiers on horseback) through trenches, mud, the most urban area in the entire country, and war-torn fields to get to the battlefield. In a horrible tragedy, an unknown soldier injured Els-Kaal’s horse, causing him to fall to the ground. The soldier pointed their bayonet, and stabbed the heir to the throne in the neck.

In the events that followed, furious Ayub soldiers sent everything they had, and charged towards the camp. After 4 artillery shells, the walls were finally breached. ßül Kämmle and his men tried to flee, but were found attempting to enter a suburban home as a last resort. After a long standoff, Ayub forces decided to launch 3 air strikes in the area, killing the last remaining rebels. After 3 long hours of fighting, the final battle occurred,  causing the loss of over 20,000 lives.

“After a war that crippled our economy, destroyed our society, and squeezed the very blood and tears from the pulp that was our country, today, we are victorious, but not without a cost. Hundreds of thousands of innocent individuals suffered the ultimate price over petty ideological differences. My people, my country, and my own son has been lost. This new era shall hopefully bring balance to our nation.” -Zer-Sham Ayubas
