Nation Bulletin

Prussian General Election is being held

1 February 2097

By Königsberg times
02/13/2024 12:32 pm
Updated: 02/13/2024 12:53 pm

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[source: Public images]
In the first of February, the Prussian General Election is held, consisting of 432 constituencies in Prussia. With current disatisfaction in Prussia, this election. Already, former Prussian Conservative party members mostly have left the political field, or joining smaller parties. With Elias Kuhn, leaving the parliamentary office for the last time before fully retired from politics, back to his new home in Pillau, East Prussia. Meanwhile other parties such as the CDU and SPD is preparing for a cabinet and to fill the power vaccum left by the Conservative party. 


[source: Prussian Electoral Department]

May this election go well, stay tuned for the election results

Gott Mit Uns!


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