Nation Bulletin

War is over!

"The war was costly, but it had proved beneficial for our country" - General Philip, Leader of the Peachtreain Liberation Front

By Peachtreain Media Department
02/11/2024 02:39 am
Updated: 02/11/2024 02:39 am

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The war in the Republic of Peachtree is over, as the Khmer government had collapsed after many successful battles held within enemy territory. From the ground units of men of flesh and steel, to the skies filled with metal birds, all units of the military had been involved in the war. The war wasn't without its damage though, as many of the soldiers who fought in it had lost their lives.


"The war was costly, but it had proved beneficial for our country" said General Philip, the leader of the Peachtreain  Liberation Front, "Now all that needs to be done is rest, rebuild, and be stronger than we were before."


As the tension in the government dies down, the republic is at peace, and should be for... maybe the next day or two


-Peachtreain Media Department