Nation Bulletin

We own the Principality of Laspina

We done it --

By Astankany Deparment of States, Values, and Dominions
02/09/2024 11:40 pm
Updated: 02/09/2024 11:45 pm

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We sent an attack on the Ikocs Tribes by taking down the 1st army "The Hard-shells". Doesn't seem hard to me but continuing we sneak and kill the 2nd army "The Second Heads". We took them down at night while they were sleeping snuggled in their GRAVE. Then we took out the 3rd Army "The Luxuries and Shipments". These guys are some of the most IMPORTANT people on their team because they are responsible for taking down aeroplanes that are heading from Astankata and other countries shipping from the sky, or flights for vacations. Lastly, we took down "The Main Ieorkys of the team. These are the heads of the Ikocs Tribe consisting of the King, Jokesters, The Claudiaskies, and The Headers. We took them down from backstage where the King rested and then slowly took down and assaulted through the micronation and now we took over it but, a crashed aeroplane full of 450 out of the 800 passengers on the plane that survived the crash saw they had farmland so, WE TOOK OVER IT!



Ikocs - The name of the tribe

Ieorkys - means a modern start

Claudiaskies - a human translators from the nation of Aukou