Nation Bulletin

Spy war continues. Statement about Tibetans State.

The Stasi and the Roten Army are put on high alert.

By Nikolai Steinhauer (Journalist of Trieveld Commune)
02/02/2024 07:13 pm
Updated: 02/02/2024 07:13 pm

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On the 5th of October 2096 the Stasi announced about data leak. It's the 2nd case of spy operation after the war with Tibetans State. The Stasi management released this statement:

We couldn't find out who was under operation and how did enemies manage to get information. We'll work on our counter-intelligence to prevent enemy from sabotaging us. 

Reminding, on the 11th September 2096 there was failed assassination attack on the Stasi where it has been revealed, that under executed operation was New American Federation. Trieveld Commune demanded explanation but it didn't get anything in answer. 

With new cases of the spy operations, which has been called "Spy war" Trieveld's militarisation program continues under slogan "If you want peace, prepare for war". By that, army is put under high alert and the Stasi is recruiting more agents.

On the 4th of August 2096 Trieveld Commune got message from Shi Fei, leader of Tibetans State, about lifting the embargo on his nation. Chairman Sergey Miller made statement, that Trieveld Commune won't lift embargo on Tibetans State until their monarch will be removed and democracy will come to their country. Reparations, which were paid by Tibetans State just allowed for possibility of lifting embargo on their nation but not with their current government. Shi Fei brought war to the peaceful country and he can't be forgiven for destroying infrastructure, robbing cities and killing people.