Nation Bulletin

Updates in Uchama, Sedrosian advances in Balhae, and more Updates


By The Sedrosian Times
02/01/2024 03:40 pm
Updated: 02/01/2024 03:40 pm

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September 27, 2096

SDF-125 Fighter Jet Enters Service


The SDF-125 fighter jet, the newest and most advanced aircraft fielded in recent history, has officially begun operations in the Sedrosian Air Force. So far, the first few batches of aircraft have arrived from the factories, totaling 25, even after slight delays from the economic downturn. The aircraft will be assigned to 2 new air squadrons, both squads being placed on deployments to [REDACTED] for actual combat and mission tests. (OOC, Simulations and training exercises are very different from actual combat, lol)

A flyover of 5 SDF-125s has taken place over the skies of Sedrosylov city, as the general public are shown the new weapon in the empire's arsenal. However, this has seen some criticism as many opponents to both the program, and other protesters have argued that the costs of this project far outweigh the benefits and that the economic situation should be handled with more priority. But in the meantime, no efforts in Parliament, nor support from any members have brought forth any claims to this either. Meanwhile, the backlog date has increased as the downturn in production means that the order will take longer to fill in the meantime. 

Updates in Uchama


The Uchaman civil war continues in full swing, but a small string of military setbacks, rising anti-Sedrosian sentiments in Uchama, as well as continued protests at home to pull our troops out, Sedrosian forces have withdrawn from communist territory and have taken defensive positions in and around the city of Amiens. Meanwhile, contracts with the New Olsztyn Company has lead to Sedrosia hiring 30 Parasol Security Contractors operatives to safeguard Sedrosian officials in Uchama as well as President Maurice Compere and Chancellor Natanaël Longchambon of the Uchaman Republican government.

Meanwhile, Sedrosian officials as well as General Bernard Litostov, have ordered the evacuation of the Republican government and their people, seeing as the Uchaman communists and fascists march closer to victory every day and the crimes and horrors of the past regimes could very possibly return. And further fears of whatever winning government punishing the innocent people of Uchama  General Litostov issuing a statement that all ethnic minorities, Republican supporters or forces, as well as the legitimate Uchaman government to be evacuated. With efforts already untaken as thousands are gathered and loaded on aircraft and flown out of the country. With an estimated 800k-1.3 million people, an estimated 8-10% of the Uchaman population, falls within these categories.  


Sedrosian ADC-600C cargo plane taking off with evacuated Uchamans inside.

Other routes such as rails through Belgium at the permission of the Dutch government has been permitted. And thousands more with armored guards and anti-air in case of sabotage or Uchaman communist forces attack are in place. Finally, SDF-125s have been reportedly seen taking part of the recent destruction of the Uchaman navy and most of its assets to prevent the communists or fascists to gain control over them. President Compere has made it clear that he doesn't wish to abandon Uchama, but the people must be protected at all costs and that if the Republic falls, that he will return to liberate Uchama once again. 

Sedrosian forces advance in Balhae


Sedrosia's part in the war against fascism and for the liberation of Manchuria from the dictatorship of Balhae has continued, with Sedrosian forces now taking part in the advance into the nation itself. The advance has been slow however, as the number of forces sent has been reduced to only 100k total men; the rest remaining home due to cuts and internal problems at home due to the economic crisis. 

However, Sedrosian forces have seen success, advancing and capturing many towns and villages along the border with the Republic of China (Tang) With Sedrosian marines landing and taking the port city of Dalian, using this as a base to push up along the small peninsula and advance towards the interior of Balhae. Meanwhile, Sedrosian aircraft have begun running air raids and attacks against enemy forces towards the Korean and Chinese borders and defenses, as well as air bases and supply depots towards the interior of the country. The SDF-125 has been among the aircraft used to great effect and for actual combat experience. 


SDF-125 firing Air-to-ground missile at enemy air base

Currently, Sedrosian forces are en route to the cities of Zhuanghe and Yingkou, with artillery and aircraft striking targets inside and along the outskirts of the city. But the war is far from over, and Sedrosian involvement will likely continue, albeit more slowly due to domestic problems and increasing anti war sentiments in the current day. 

Albynia declares its Secession from Sedrosia


A letter from the Governor and Provisionary government of the Province of South Albynia, now calling themselves the Albynian National Front has arrived to great backlash on the floor of the Sedrosian parliament. Lead by Sebec Duris, the Albynian revolutionaries, have made their wishes for an independent communist state to be formed, as issued their letter of secession. It reads as follows:

To whom it may concern:
Let it be clear to those in charge of the Sedrosian Empire that the people of Albynia are fed up with the continued neglect of the people and their ignorance to the problems plaguing the people of our nation. From refusing to fix the economic woes and their foreign wars wherein thousands of young men die for nothing.

The governance of the Greater Sedrosian Empire has failed to acknowledge the distinct needs of the Albynian people. Left to rot at the hands of the Ausparians as the leaders of Sedrosia did nothing. We find ourselves at a crossroads where the interests and well-being of our citizens demand a different path—one that allows us to shape our own destiny, unburdened by constraints that hinder our growth and self-determination.

Culturally, ethnically, and historically, we have always been different, and forever shall be different. And we feel it is our right to leave behind a nation that has only lead us to ruin. Albynia shall be ruled by its own people, and not the influence of the Sedrosians, or Ausparians, or Italians, or anyone else. Thus, we hereby issue our declaration of an independent state, that is the Socialist Republic of Albania. 

Signed, Sebec Duris

This immediate declaration has stoked widespread backlash from people on all sides. But none more so than the National Workers of Sedrosia Party, and their leader Igor Bojevic, that have opposed this act and their claims to difference. With Bojovic going further to call for the removal of the communist government and its influence from the empire permanently. Sedrosian forces and National Guardsmen have been mobilized due to fears of more provinces trying to secede or violent acts taken by the Albynians. Widespread disapproval has spread even withing Albania, with many moderates or those on the other side of the aisle apposing this radical new government and their claim to independence, but it's not clear what might happen next. 


Other news:

Sedrosia signs MDPs with Poland, Belarus

Sedrosian Communist Party reformed, legal battles ensue

Riots in Sofia kill 2 police, 9 rioters

Igor Bojevic begins national tour as 2098 Elections near

Sedrosian Parliament officially declares December 5th: National Reunification Day

Albynian Extremist groups gather in strength and arming following their secession pleas

© The Sedrosian Times - 2096



Posted February 01, 2024 at 10:43 pm

We support the Empire in Uchama :3

Posted February 02, 2024 at 12:36 am

Depression, do these words mean anything to you!!? freaked-out-cat-crying-funny-meme-31q9cm6ypvkx5379.gif

Posted February 02, 2024 at 1:04 pm

well if albyania declares war on you, ill declare one on em as well. cya chatee92aeb2dcbcd51284df7dfca63c620525ef41bcx911.gif

Posted February 02, 2024 at 9:29 pm

Dont do same error as me,many provinces rebelled and its a civil war,and some rebelled provinces make mzæssacřes
