Nation Bulletin


Info Page

By The North Sea Empire
02/01/2024 07:27 pm
Updated: 02/01/2024 07:29 pm

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  • Cannabis can only be used for medical reasons, with permission from the government.

Mandatory Service:

  • Everyone, upon reaching adulthood, must serve in the nation's military or do community service for a set length of time.

Capital Punishment:

  • Capital punishment, including the death penalty, is legal in this country.

Secondary Education:

  • The government will offer students some special loans with discounted interest rates.


  • The possession, consumption, distribution, and sale of alcohol is legal for adults in this country.


  • The government supports Oil and Coal as the nation's top energy sources. Pollution is not an issue.

Assisted Suicide:

  • Any and all forms of assisted suicide are illegal in this country.


  • Marriage in this country is defined as only between a man and a woman.


  • Employers are allowed to fire workers attempting to organize unions.

Campaign Finance:

  • The government can limit corporation, union, and individual donations to campaigns.


  • All citizens are granted the right to free speech by their government.

Hard Drugs:

  • The use of "hard" drugs is strictly illegal.


  • Deficit spending is allowed and necessary at some times.

Infant Circumcision:

  • Parents have the right to circumcise their infant boys, if they so choose.


  • The government will accept immigrants, but sets hard quotas on how many can enter the country.

Gun Rights:

  • Citizens are not allowed to own any firearms of any kind.


  • The government endorses a specific religion, but does not require citizens to practice it.


  • The government provides free healthcare services for all citizens.

Polygamist Marriage:

  • Marriage can only be between two people. Polygamy is illegal.


  • A progressive income tax is used, taxing the lower class less than the upper class.


  • Torture is an effective and necessary tool used by the government.


  • Women are only allowed to have an abortion in situations where the woman's life is at risk.


  • Any person in poverty willing to do community service is eligible for government welfare programs.