Nation Bulletin

News. (I cba to think of names anymore icl)


By Alexander Pendragon
01/30/2024 07:41 pm
Updated: 01/30/2024 08:16 pm

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Breaking news!

Newham, August 19, 2096


In a series of unprecedented and equally unexplainable events, the East London borough of Newham witnessed a sequence of occurrences that defied scientific explanation and has left residents in a state of shock and fear. The night sky was shattered when a blue, pulsating rift tore through it. The still unexplained fracture in the sky, described as “a tear in the fabric of reality”, manifested above Newham earlier today during a live broadcast on a local TV news program. Witnesses reported a pale blue and mesmerizing glow emanating from the rift, sending onlookers into panic. 

It was soon followed by a stone circle being thrust out of the ground, destroying an entire row of houses and crushing the sleeping inhabitants inside. 

As the stone circle emerged from the earth's surface, a surge of goblins and giants poured forth from its centre. The creatures, clad in mismatched garments and armed with makeshift weapons, wreaked havoc on the unsuspecting surroundings. Eyewitnesses reported chaotic scenes as the influx of monsters destroyed buildings, brutally murdered civilians and stole from the surrounding neighbourhoods. 

Following this, a colossal red dragon soared into the sky from the stone circle, its presence casting a shadow over half of the borough. Panic ensued as residents scrambled to find shelter and evacuate the area.

An angel-like figure in appearance, descended from the sky to confront the dragon. The angelic-like man prevailed with the creatures disappearing as dust. Tragically, the confrontation resulted in enormous casualties and widespread devastation. It is estimated that over 20,000 people were killed and over 50,000 more injured. The borough of Newham was mostly reduced to wreckage, aside from the Royal Docks. Emergency services are currently working tirelessly to assess the damage, assist those affected, and remove survivors from rubble. Authorities are urging residents to remain indoors and stay tuned for further updates on the unfolding situation. Currently, the rift in the sky has disappeared and any surviving creatures have been neutralised. However, the stone circle remains alongside the dragon's horns and the angel's sword. British soldiers and police have surrounded the stone circle, preventing anyone from coming close. 

Similar encounters have been reported across the world, albeit on a considerably smaller scale. The following areas have been affected:

. Glasgow

. Lagos

. Abu Dhabi

. Perth

A portion of the surviving Newham onlookers have joined together to create a religion based on the attacks; named the Celestial Order, it has spread rapidly through Western Australia, Britain and Nigeria. Supposedly, the current member number stands at over 1,000,000 and is increasing rapidly. Another religion based on the event, The Servants of Light, is mainly located in Scotland but has amassed about 145,000 followers. Finley Bancroft, the current prophet of the Celestial Order, has announced the creation of a holy book and numerous new places of worship. Because he claims to of fallen into the stone circles void, he has been widely accepted as being the prophet of the angel figure. 

Yes, I was bored so I decided to create a religion in the most extravagant way possible. 

Recently, Hannover has declared the annexation of three major cities bordering it; Hamburg, Bremen and Bremerhaven. The acquirement of the cities is set to increase Hannovers gdp dramatically and transforming it into a western Europe economic powerhouse. Britain is already devising an investment plan to enrich the stagnating Hannover economy.


Posted January 30, 2024 at 7:50 pm


Posted January 30, 2024 at 7:52 pm

Canon in orbis?

Posted January 30, 2024 at 7:57 pm

It's canon for me, I don't know about anyone else lol 

Posted January 30, 2024 at 8:15 pm

Well, my story is cannon for me and only me so, yeah. Relatable

Posted January 30, 2024 at 8:16 pm

I might add this to my canon to my nation because I like it

Posted January 31, 2024 at 7:00 pm

