Nation Bulletin

Recession Causes People To Support Communist Revolt

The Worldwide Recession has come to Greater India causing people to support the Communist Revolution.

By The Greater Indian Post
01/29/2024 10:56 pm
Updated: 01/30/2024 12:00 am

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Recession Causes People To Support Communist Revolt

The Orbis Recession has reached Greater India and has caused low morale among the population. The country was already facing a national threat due to the Communist Takeover in parts of Madhya Pradesh and now unemplowment rates have skyrocketed. It is now hard just to buy food and other basic necessities.

With this, the Communist Leaders of the Revolution have stated that if they are brought into power, then they will be able to recover from the economic downfall.

Communist Party Gains Popularity

After the promises of the CSP (Communist Socialist Party), the people who have been experiencing the recent failures of the government to keep the country running, have started supporting the final hope, a new fresh government that could fix the Recession.

This has also led to very low morale among the soldiers of the Ground Forces who have been continuously suffering at war not only due to the bloodshed but also because of diseases and overall low sanitation in the war zones. It has caused much despair among the military. This has led many to desert the army, but also switch to the enemy side.

Many hopeless Greater Indian soldiers have been recruited by the Communist forces who have seen many successes on the ground. This has made them even more successful in there attacks.


Communist Forces Push Through On Ground

The CSP has pushed through the defense built up past Sagar through a huge battle which caused great casualties. On the Greater Indian side around 1,200 soldiers were lost and 2,000 soldiers injured while on the Communist side around 700 were lost.

This has led the Communists to inch closer to Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh and the largest base of operations to counter the Revolt. Bhopal is an integral part of Greater India and if the city is taken by the Communists then it would lead to a great advantage for the Revolutionaries.

The only hope on the ground now is that the army manages to push the Communists away from the important city.


Victories in the Air

The Air Force has done a very good job in pacifying the harm caused by the Civil War in the regions of Mandla, Seoni and especially in Chhatrapur. The opposition lacks any kind of Air Capabilities causing the Airstrikes to almost always be a success. However, the Communists have been able to steal Anti-Aircraft Artillary from the many military bases that they raided.

This has weakened the effectiveness of the Air Strikes but they still remain to be a useful form of retaliation. The Air Strikes have been led out on strategical bases in the territories mentioned above.


The Recession has already caused enough damage by ruining the economy of the nation, but it has caused the division of the people and the people to start supporting the Communist Revolution. The nation must unite to face the threat of a Worldwide Economic Collapse and to combat the Revolution to bring back peace to the Greater Indian Republic.

Bless the Greater Indian Republic!

Bless the Union of India!



Posted January 30, 2024 at 2:06 pm

Thank you for this donation, it shall help the Government in winning the war greatly!
