Nation Bulletin

Workers in hangars work overtime

After successful airstrikes against Enterprise nations, a loss in aircraft due to multiple defensive wars force hangars to produce more aircraft.

By United News
01/25/2024 02:00 pm
Updated: 01/25/2024 02:06 pm

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As United Ukrainian Union rearmed for the next round of battle, multiple nations from Enterprise declare war. As military leaders realised the only way to win was by air, they ordered a large import of aluminium for hangars to produce more. One by one the Communist Empire lost all of its planes resulting in a ground counterattack by United Ukrainian Union. Due to the nature of the war, ships were heavily prioritised as most nations could not produce enough in time and the blockade slowly starved nations to the point of hangars, drydocks and factories shutting down. To overcome this fear, an average of 75 fighter jets are built every day, with the workers being paid 50% more due to overtime.

On the day of the airstrike, Air Commander Zelenskyy led 375 fighter jets out to bombard the enemy. Gaining air superiority enabled General Zelenskyy to launch an attack, decimating Communist Empires airfields and greatly reducing the nations economics. Admiral Zelenskyy planned to use his ships to starve Communist Empire to death but the disadvantage forced him to call it off. Air Commander is awaiting reinforcements for his bombardment of ships.