Nation Bulletin

Who are we as Greater Wolfinia

Who are we as Greater Wolfinia

By King Malik Gadiel
01/24/2024 04:46 pm
Updated: 01/24/2024 07:22 pm

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Nestled between vast forests and thriving landscapes, Wolfinia emerges as a nation shaped by a unique fusion of cultures. Home to Okamimimi, Nekos, and humans, Wolfinia celebrates diversity as the very essence of its identity. The nation stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of these distinct communities, each contributing to the rich tapestry of Wolfinian culture. Wolfinia's skyline is punctuated by cutting-edge, cyberpunk-inspired architecture, a testament to its advanced technological prowess. Despite the high-tech veneer, the nation maintains a grounded connection to nature, evident in its strict environmental policies that banish the use of mines and prioritize sustainable, electrical alternatives. The heart of Wolfinia beats with a commitment to equality and social welfare. Its citizens, regardless of their origin, benefit from free education, healthcare, and social services. The government's proactive stance toward homelessness provides small homes to those in need, coupled with opportunities for employment and rehabilitation. Within this society, personal freedoms are both cherished and protected. Citizens enjoy the right to express themselves through clothing choices, a symbol of the nation's openness to diverse forms of self-expression. Yet, the nation also walks a delicate line, with policies that, while aimed at maintaining social order, raise questions about individual autonomy. Wolfinia's military prowess is a point of national pride, envisioned not just as a force of defense but as a symbol of strategic brilliance and strength. The commitment to use military force only defensively and in response to external threats echoes the nation's desire for autonomy and self-preservation. In Wolfinia, the wolf, a national symbol, stands as a guardian of nature and a representation of the nation's commitment to environmental conservation. The ban on killing these majestic creatures reflects a cultural respect for the wildlife that shares Wolfinia's lands. The nation's policies, guided by a motto that upholds integrity above all else, seek to navigate the delicate balance between progress and tradition. Wolfinia, though somewhat isolated, engages in global trade, showcasing its commitment to technological innovation and economic growth. As Wolfinia faces challenges and opportunities on its unique path, its people are bound by a shared commitment: "Rather Die Than Dishonor Wolfinia." This rallying cry reflects a deep-seated loyalty to the nation's ideals, even in the face of adversity, encapsulating the spirit of a nation that values honor, diversity, and progress.


Wolfinia, a beacon among nations, stands resolute in its mission to foster national peace and harmony. Rooted in the belief that the path to prosperity lies in tranquility, the nation has embraced a bold commitment: to renounce the horrors of war unless provoked by external aggression. At the core of Wolfinia's mission is a dedication to preserving the well-being of its citizens and the sanctity of its lands. The government envisions a nation where the echoes of conflict are replaced by the harmonious melodies of progress and unity. By renouncing war as a means of conflict resolution, Wolfinia strives to create an environment where its diverse populace can thrive without the specter of violence looming overhead. This mission is not a retreat from the world but a stance for global cooperation and understanding. Wolfinia actively engages in diplomatic endeavors, seeking avenues for peaceful resolution and collaborative efforts with other nations. It aspires to be a catalyst for international cooperation, demonstrating that strength can be measured not only in military might but also in the ability to build bridges of understanding. In the spirit of its commitment to peace, Wolfinia dedicates resources to diplomatic channels and conflict prevention mechanisms. The nation's military, formidable in strength, is not a tool of aggression but a shield to be raised only in the face of imminent danger. By prioritizing dialogue over conflict, Wolfinia seeks to exemplify that true strength lies in the ability to resolve differences through peaceful means. The citizens of Wolfinia, proud bearers of the nation's ideals, rally behind this mission for peace. They understand that the renunciation of war is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the nation's resilience and commitment to principles. In classrooms, workplaces, and homes, the people of Wolfinia champion a culture of understanding and cooperation, embodying the values that propel the nation toward a future of lasting peace. Wolfinia's mission to renounce war unless attacked is not just a policy; it's a testament to the nation's aspiration to be a shining example of how a commitment to peace can lead to prosperity, both within its borders and beyond. The echoes of this mission reverberate, creating a legacy of harmony that will endure for generations to come


Posted January 24, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Bruh... is this a Furry nation...? I mean, I don't really mind but still. 

Posted January 24, 2024 at 4:59 pm

cool post but the flag man... its really cool but in same time really complex.

Posted January 24, 2024 at 5:11 pm

Interesting, well welcome to Orbis
