Nation Bulletin

Q&A I guess.


By Nebel
01/19/2024 03:58 pm
Updated: 01/19/2024 03:58 pm

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I saw Kolkata doing  this too, soo


Any questions yall have, give em and ill answer them in the next bulletin.


i need to reach word limit, so heres a fun fact: 

The typical distribution of temperatures on a planet is influenced by its axial tilt, atmosphere, and other factors. However, having a planet that is warm at both poles and cold at the equator would be unusual based on our understanding of planetary climates.

On Earth, the equator tends to be warmer due to the more direct angle of sunlight. The poles receive less direct sunlight and are generally colder. This is a result of the axial tilt of Earth, which causes different regions to receive varying amounts of solar energy throughout the year.

For a planet to have a reversed temperature distribution, where the poles are warm and the equator is cold, there would need to be unique and extreme conditions. This could involve factors such as an unusual atmospheric composition, a specific type of heat distribution mechanism, or a highly reflective surface at the equator.


Posted January 19, 2024 at 3:47 pm

what is the square root of 2? :>

jk jk what is your favorite past rper or nation that no longer exists

Posted January 19, 2024 at 4:07 pm

What do you like the most about this RP?

Posted January 19, 2024 at 8:10 pm


Posted January 19, 2024 at 8:51 pm

i remembered it differently. whoops.
