Nation Bulletin

Tons of Uchamese Refugees, Further Economic Crash, and Micro Headlines


By Sir Logan Watermelon
01/18/2024 10:54 pm
Updated: 01/18/2024 10:54 pm

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Uchamese Refugees

By Jimmy Johnson


The Melon has reportedly been taking in tons of Uchamese Refugees lately. Most of these refugees are from Mainland Uchama, and some are from African Uchama. Most of these refugees were fleeing the war, some were trying to move back to a communist state, and some were even Uchamese Austrians, Victorians, and Dutch, fleeing from the Uchamese who were committing mass murder to those people's. So far 1 million Uchamese refugees have arrived, with many more to come. The Melonese government is trying their best to help these people fit in, as it is a nightmare with Pro-Uchamese people attacking the Victorians, Austrians, and Dutch. The Melon has been trying their best to stop these attacks, with some luck. But attacks aren't the only problem with these people, that's because all of these immigrants are basically stealing jobs away from Melonese Citizens. Many local businesses are doing terribly, but large companies are doing even worse. 


Economic Crash

By Anthelme J. Daughtery


Because of multiple other nations'economies crashing, such as Ajako Confederation, Sedrosian Empire, and Victoria, barely any nations have been able buy our exports, which include; Wine, Beauty Products, Sugar, Tobacco, refined Fuels, Cars, Gold, T-shirts, Nickel, Aircraft, Potatoes, and Citrus Fruits. With all of these nations not buying Melonese Products, the Melonese Economy has begun to completely collapse. People are losing their jobs, and some people have begun protesting. Popular Melonese Companies that are affected by this economic crash include; Walrus Inc. (owner of Poron 2.0, which is the 2nd most popular web browser in the world), Velaft Mac & Cheese (most popular mac and cheese company, has opened shops and restaurants), and the Melonese Space Program. All of these companies are suffering, investors are losing money, and the world is spiraling into a 2nd Great Depression...


Mico Headlines

Melonese Navy nearly doubles with additions of the entire former Uchamese Navy

The Melon announces a decrease of military spending to slow the economic crash

The Melon puts out a list of places they would like in their possession in later years, includes Vietnam, Benin, and Latvia

The Watermelon Post plans to change newspaper style

Billy B announces that The Melon has no plans to go to war with La Plata, even though we have a MDP with the British


Posted January 18, 2024 at 11:04 pm

How did u decrease miIitary spending after doubIing your navy kekw

Posted January 18, 2024 at 11:05 pm

Angry Ajako sounds intensify

Posted January 18, 2024 at 11:40 pm

Made Ajako angy 
