Nation Bulletin

The Belarusian economic crash of 2096

April 4, 2096

By Treasury of Belarus (ToB)
01/18/2024 04:13 pm
Updated: 01/18/2024 04:17 pm

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            Following rapid British decolonisation, war in Europa, government corruption and the economic collapse of several nations the Tsardoms' economy relied on, most notably the economy of the Serdosian empire. All of these reasons have had a huge impact within the nation, especially with rapid British decolonisation, where many Belarusian-based companies, like White rus' mining, operating in British colonies have made the stocks of the companies go down. In the span of a few days, stocks in major Belarus companies like the aforementioned White rus' mining, Gütenburg oil and Sylvester mining have gone down, with White rus' especially losing billions worth of Orbis notes to economic recession and the fall of other stock markets that it relied on (like MMC). However, this 'greatest depression' hasn't just affected large companies, many local businesses have also been forced to shut down, mostly due to inflation and skyrocketing prices. 

In the lives of people, inflation has been growing, with simple items such as bread being $3.50 to now a whopping $5 in a short span, almost overnight. The price of electricity, Wi-Fi, and heating have also gone immensely higher following the fall of the stock market. 1 Belarusian Rubble= 6 OBN.

While yes, the economic collapse of other major industries and rapid decolonisation have made a huge dent in the economy, another huge problem is corruption and embezzlement within the treasury. Just last month, Baron Sir Zuldimir Jualmangon was sentenced to 45 years in prison following the Belarusian Intelligence Bureaus investigation into him and their suspensions for possible embezzlement. He, along with 20 or so other members of the Treasury of Belarus (ToB) had stolen billions over a 15-year period. 
