Nation Bulletin

The Brotherhood Society Signs MDP with the ZUKAREVIC Bloc

New diplomatic and economic opportunities arise

By The New Cyber News
01/13/2024 12:45 am
Updated: 02/02/2024 11:21 pm

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After some discussion within the Brotherhood Society's leadership, Chief JJLiberty has chosen to influence the free society to the rest of the outside world; ultimately deciding to become apart of the ZUKAREVIC bloc. With unanimous consent among the government's of Zukesa, Areulia, and Victoria, the Brotherhood Society is officially joining ZUKAREVIC.

How does this affect the rest of Nova Cyberia? Since the Brotherhood Society is the largest and most influential private fraternity across all of Nova Cyberia, this diplomatic step will also majorly impact the rest of Nova Cyberia as well, both militarily and economically. Due to this alliance being about mutual defense and voluntary agreement, allowed under the Antigov Action coalition of Nova Cyberia, Antigov has approved of this alliance bloc. More on the social organization of Nova Cyberia here.

The Brotherhood Society seeks to uphold its promise of mutual protection and economic collaboration with the other members of this bloc; with the Brotherhood Society providing for defense with its militias and PMCs; while also providing for foreign-aid and economic support through its mutual-aid system of private welfare, and free trade to our allies.

This has not come without backlash though. Residents are skeptical of allying with governments, with such strong antigovernment sentiment getting in the way of foreign diplomacy. The private administration of the Brotherhood Society reassures its brothers and sisters that this will spread the wings of the free society and influence the globe; helping to spread its peaceful nature and its strong wealth to get the name of anarchocapitalism out there.

We will see what the new name of ZUKAREVIC will be... perhaps the Ring of Fire?

Something I need to say

After some thinking, I've decided that I won't use discord for a week, perhaps the rest of the month, since I want to focus a bit more on myself and to take care of business.


Posted January 13, 2024 at 8:50 am

Did you join Zukarevic?

EDIT: Fuking hell I'm dumb

Posted January 13, 2024 at 8:53 am

@Tang Mhm
