Nation Bulletin

The Constitution of Ecuador

2008 Ecuadorian Constitution

By Asamblea Nacional Del Ecuador
01/10/2024 05:06 pm
Updated: 01/20/2024 03:54 pm

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Given the length of this Constitution, I'll provide a link to the actual document for reference.


2008 Ecuadorian Constitution


We women and men, the sovereign people of Ecuador
RECOGNIZING our age-old roots, wrought by women and men from various peoples,
CELEBRATING nature, the Pacha Mama (Mother Earth), of which we are a part and which is vital to our existence,
INVOKING the name of God and recognizing our diverse forms of religion and spirituality,
CALLING UPON the wisdom of all the cultures that enrich us as a society,
AS HEIRS to social liberation struggles against all forms of domination and colonialism
AND with a profound commitment to the present and to the future,

Hereby decide to build
A new form of public coexistence, in diversity and in harmony with nature, to achieve the good way of living, the sumak kawsay;
A society that respects, in all its dimensions, the dignity of individuals and community groups;
A democratic country, committed to Latin American integration—the dream of Antonio Jose de Sucre—, peace and solidarity with all peoples of the Earth;
And, exercising our sovereign powers, in Ciudad Alfaro, Montecristi, province of Manabí, we bestow upon ourselves the present:

Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
