Nation Bulletin

I've gotta talk about something I've been thinking about for a while now.

Listen here, if you want.

By Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo
01/09/2024 11:30 pm
Updated: 01/09/2024 11:30 pm

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So, what's that thing I wanna talk about?

Well, that thing I want to talk about is how I've mostly been inactive, and how a lot of that has to deal with both fleeting ability to play the game because of things in my life, plus the fact that my interest in this game has, for whatever reason, started to fade away. 

Fleeting Ability

Since the Winter Break, I haven't really been involved in PnW all that much because I always went to other games, and I recently found a game that I really enjoyed, which was a visual novel game. Even though I don't quite remember the story of the game, I really felt like it was a learning experience. On top of this, but for this new years, because I've noticed that I don't tend to be very social in my own life, that my new years resolution was to be more social IRL, to be more open IRL. Because of that, I've been putting aside stuff like PnW for a while, but I still figured that I could come back whenever, but now since the first day back to school, that ability to come back to play PnW has been getting progressively harder as harder as the classes demand more and more of my home time, which means if I want to really improve myself this year, I might have to either sacrifice my time playing PnW or sacrifice my time in my own life, and even though I love all the people whom I consider my friends on PnW and that I wish to be able to continue talking to those that I've met on PnW, at the same time, I'm not certain if being able to continue playing is quite as much of a possibility anymore as it used to be because of my own personal life. I want to be able to continue talking to those I've met on PnW and grow with the PnW whilst improving my own life and my own IRL relationships; however, there's another thing that kind of contributes to this issue regarding playing again and again.

Fleeting Interest

The interest in wanting to play PnW over & over again has been progressively fading as time went on as I continue to live my life & face things outside of things in PnW. Not only that, but my interest in PnW hasn't been really all that much in the game, but rather in the RP portion of the game itself, which means that most of the interest built into PnW for me was roleplay interest, but when RP almost died that one time (or rather 2 times, I suppose), most of that interest also almost died, which means that the remaining interest in PnW has been progressively been starting to die, and I think the only way to really rejuvenate it is by getting more involved in the RP community, but that becomes a problem when it starts to affect things IRL, such as being able to spend time with my family or being able to spend some time on my studies, and such things like that; however, there's one more thing that I think also kind of contributes to this as well, which is...

Change In Interest

Although I was very interested in PnW at the time, it was because I was extremely interested with the concept of running your own nation, really interacting as if you were the ruler of a fictional country; however, as my interest in said thing, as well as priorities, in said thing have started to shift, the idea of playing PnW for hours at a time starts to beceome less and less possible simply because I don't have all that much interest in it anymore as I did previously. I do think there's still one more reason to this...

RPers That I Knew, Left

There were many RPers that had left before, one of them being Luna, and another Chittagong State (although that was temporary at the time), and because all of these people, and more, were the ones who first not only got me interested in this community, but also were the ones whom I considered friends in this community, seeing them leave or take long breaks may have devolved my interest in playing, especially since I preferred to RP with those people, but since those people aren't as involved anymore, that means eventually, I may not be as involved anymore, which might explain a portion as to why I'm not as active anymore.

Now, here might be the question for some of you after reading this...

WILL I LEAVE PnW (RP or Entirely)?

The answer will be no. I'll still try to participate in RP the best I can, and I'll try to be active at least twice per week, but I'm just making this bulletin to let anyone who may wonder about my PnW activity know the situation at hand, and that although I'm not participating in the PnW RP community as well as I was when I was a newbie, I would still like to participate as much as I can. One reason why I made this bulletin was because somebody was concerned about the stability of the UOI (Union of India) due to the amount of inactive members in it. As one of those people who haven't been all that active, I wanted to make sure that I had something that could help clarify why it is I may not be all that active, and that I do wish to come back with nearly the same interest as I did when I was a newbie, but that same amount of interest will be harder to achieve, but it's not like I hate this community. For all it's ups and downs, I love this community for it's inviting people, creative minds, and relatablity & openness. You guys have done so much to help my life for the better, and I hope I did the same, but for now, this is goodbye, but not a final goodbye, just your average "see you later" goodbye! 

It's hard for me to make a bulletin like this, cause I don't really want to admit that my interest for this game has been depleting, but it'll do more harm to not accept that to be true then to at least tell others that this is how I feel. I hope you guys understand, and I hope that I can be more active again someday, but for now, I won't be all that active, but I do still wish you all the best, and only the best.

Anyways, this has been Wu Sassikastomo, saying see you later!


P.S Also, I love this countryball by Dauchh. It may not be like what I typically design, but this is so much more interesting. Also, Dauchh, if you're reading this, how easy or hard was it to do my countryball? I'm just kind of curious!



Posted January 10, 2024 at 7:39 am

It was moderately hard
I kind of simplified it so it wasn't as hard to make - I actually wanted to do a re-design but decided not too because I didn't have enough time, perhaps I'II redo it one of these days

GIad you're staying in rp, atIeast a IittIe bit :)

Posted January 10, 2024 at 10:43 am

Happy you're staying:)

Posted January 10, 2024 at 11:56 am

I am really glad you are staying too
