Nation Bulletin

The Novus Atlanticus | Edition 8 | Terrorist Cell Eradicated, Universal Military Service, Global Economic Situation Forum, Dakar Port Opened

8th Edition of Novus Atlanticus

By Various
01/10/2024 04:11 am
Updated: 01/10/2024 04:11 am

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(NNABC) - A cell of terrorists were recently found and eradicated. New information states that these terrorists were attempting to topple the government and restore the Laksmih monarchy. They were found moving towards the capital from an eastbound and westbound direction. It is believed that they attempted to encircle the capital. Thankfully, the 53rd Kande Division was nearby and responded immediately.

A one-sided battle commenced, in which the terrorist cell lost their starting front and started to retreat. Fortunately, before they could do so, the 53rd Kande Division launched a fast offensive which eliminated the remaining terrorists. Soon after, their base was found in an unnamed village that appeared to be native land, but was actually a front for their operations. The "village" was soon burned and the terrorists' leaders were apprehended.

The leaders, Treste Vinxe and Riltsen Wrinkle, stated that their motive was the belief that the next government would ruin Mundusia. As such, they wanted to end the rising democratic system that had just been put in place. In their escape plan, a greatly detailed route to British West Africa was found. Along with this, several native villages that had been recently created and registered were charted. 

Senator Cashen Holtse, who had proposed the idea of functional democracy in Mundusia, responded to this in an interview we had held with him. In the mentioned interview, he stated that "it's people like this (the terrorists) that we must look out for. They are the sole reason Mundusia could never have a truly functioning government back then (2070-2080s). The people are not responsible, it is the instigators. And these instigators have attempted to topple the government. Is that not treason?"

The hearing for the leaders of the terrorist cell will be held next year. As of now, they are on death row. The reluctance of even government-appointed defense attorneys have slightly pushed the trial back. If a defense attorney is not found, they will be confirmed guilty.


(NNABC) - A law has been passed which will start universal military service in Mundusia. The law had been in processing for months on end, but due to the war between Mundusia and other nations the process had stopped. The law was brought up last month by senators who were concerned with the decline of military recruitment numbers per month. Today, the law was finally discussed and passed by senators during their weekly meeting.

The law's passing has been applauded by some conservative groups. This is most likely because of Mundusia's military history and honor in war. However, some lunatic fringe conservative groups believe that the law should go even further. As of right now, a petition is being held by the Great Patriotic Front of Mundusia to allow permanent military service for all men over 15. As usual, this received backlash from regular conservative groups.

Several liberal groups see the law's passing as a step away from democracy, though. Some have stated that demanding this automatic service in the military is contradictory to democracy itself. Some have also stated their worries about possible native peoples being harshly discriminated against in the military. 

Nevertheless, the law is now in place. The general populace seems to be neutral about it. Many citizens have already filled out their forms to be registered in the army despite some outcries not to. "Most were willing," according to the Mundusian Military Central Command Center. "but among those whom were unwilling, many had never experienced war before. Thus, it made some sense as to why they were so unwilling."

A large majority of those in the universal military service have enlisted in the Ground Forces of Mundusia, with the Air Defense Force being second. The third branch with the largest enlistment rate after the law was passed was, unsurprisingly, the Engineers and Development Force. These new rookies will better the nation of Mundusia, one way or another.


(GESF HQ, NNABC) - A new international NGO has been created called the Global Economic Situation Forum by the CEO of Solsticaeni, Karluse Solstica. The Global Economic Situation Forum is meant to replace the now defunct World Economic Forum and serve as a general place where multinational businesses, politicians, and other NGOs, among other things, will be able to engage in productive conversation. These conversations will be about the state of the world economy, regional politics and economics, and the industry it is all based off of.

As of right now, the organization is in its early stages but is predicted to eventually become well-known all around the world. Currently, the organization is open to all who wish to join - as long as they can fund the organization, encourage it, and support it. Based in Thies, the GESF also allow politicians to speak of their interests globally and promote their ideals freely. The same will be for NGOs and multinational businesses. They will also be able to promote their products and mission statements.


|Global Economic Situation Forum Logo|

We were able to get an interview with Mr. Solstica and what his plans are for this "new World Economic Forum". In the interview, Mr. Solstica stated that "my plans are enormous. This isn't just some plot to bring Mundusia to relevancy, no. This is for all the businesses, NGOs, and politicians who need their message out there. This is for their relevancy, not ours. I hope that all whom were once travelling alone and unheard then, will now be able to speak out and give themselves a proper voice internationally."

At the time of publication, the five major multinational businesses of Mundusia along with the minor multinational businesses of Mundusia have all started to fund the forum. They have since joined it and await for the day that more organizations and businesses will join and follow suit. All executives have been invited.


(NNABC) - The Port of Dakar has been opened after nearly a year of construction and restoring several trade vessels. This is yet another step towards Mundusia's path to having a developed country and economy. The port will open to the world on January 9th, 2096 as it will only be used for exports as of right now. A second section will be finished on the day of the Port of Dakar's international opening which will be used for imports.

35 new trading vessels have been constructed by the port to support its ambitious endeavors as a new port of interest for Mundusia. Many economists estimate that the port will see increased activity next month as well. The government has also agreed to help saturate the port's influx of ships through the next year or so. 

Project Overseer Jacoski Kaliok publicly announced his ambitions to bring Mundusia's economy up to the top 15, even the top 10 nations. He also hopes that this will pave a way for Mundusia's infrastructure to develop in a way that benefits the economy, the producer, and the consumer equally. Unfortunately, we were not able to get any words in with him, but he agreed to an interview at a later date.

The government is currently working on several trade deals that will start on January 13th, as disclosed by the Senate. This is estimated to bring great luck and success to Mundusia from now on.


Posted January 10, 2024 at 4:35 am

We wiII pay cIose attention to the GESF
