Nation Bulletin

Social Organization of Nova Cyberia

Lore part one

By The New Cyber News
01/08/2024 10:33 pm
Updated: 04/19/2024 02:56 am

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Social Organization of Nova Cyberia

Part one | Part two

Free Society

Nova Cyberia is a decentralized network of thousands of fraternities based upon voluntary agreement and freedom of association of every individual involved. The Brotherhood Society is the most significant of them all. There are many intercommunity associations and alliances, although many fraternities are members of "Antigovernment Action," which is a Non-Aggression and Mutual-Defense Pact that deters aggression, trespass, and invasion, both domestic and abroad, and as such act as a rights enforcement agency.

Essentially, administration is privatized, and as such, is subjected to market competition and the law of supply and demand. Voluntary interactions between individuals establish rules through the norms and standards agreed upon by said individuals. Private communities are then formed, which are most typically based upon some common values that members of a fraternity share, and in turn, their administrations must satisfy the demands of their members.

Fraternities have their own sorts of contract policies, a contract most typically referred to as a "covenant," that people must promise to uphold in order to be eligible for membership. Failure to uphold a covenant may be subjected to ostracization from other members, or result in being completely disassociated and removed by the management of the community itself; acts of aggression (especially if severe) may warrant reasonable retaliatory force in self-defense, and may face various punishments under the fair trial of private arbitration court systems.

Fraternities get their revenue source through various means, such as voluntary exchange, free trade, donations, or through monthly or yearly membership fees that members may be obliged to pay or risk expulsion. The funds are directed towards many things, including private welfare, which intends to build systems of interdependence and mutual reliance, with people using their aid as a boost to pull them out of financially troubling situations so that they can return the favor later. The aid is provided to needy members, although if a recipient is an unproductive freeloader, that burdens the rest of the members, so the fraternity is incentivized to revoke their aid and their membership status.

All social functions of society are privatized and provided for by the private-sector, ranging from administration, church, defense, ecology, education, finance, healthcare, international aid, security, sociology, transportation, welfare, etc; these things are done by private communities, religious orders, mutual-defense militias, insurance agencies, non-profit philanthropic organizations, property protection companies, and mutual-aid fraternities.

What makes this so different from "the state" (aka government)?

The key difference between the fraternal covenant style of social organization and the state; membership is voluntary under private administration, with the right to associate and include anyone, or disassociate and exclude anyone; while the state uses acts of aggression to subjugate individuals under its jurisdiction, which typically arises when people are desensitized to such acts, and whether people like it or not is considered to be irrelevant to its goals.

This bulletin is supposed to be informative on my nation's social organization; it isn't meant to be political, so whether you believe that government does certain things more efficiently and effectively or are an anarchocapitalist like I am is irrelevant to this bulletin. I would prefer for you guys not to start arguments and debates in the bulletin replies.

So I'll just leave you guys with a drawing I made, now take care <3



Posted January 09, 2024 at 6:41 am

Nice drawing:)

Posted January 09, 2024 at 6:41 am

@New Zukesa So true!

@Korean SGP Thank you :)
