Nation Bulletin

Emergency Gasoline Reserve Act of 2068

Emergency Gasoline Reserve Act of 2068- Authorizes the Triarch of the Valyrian Freehold to declare gasoline emergencies where severe gasoline shortages threaten

By Dragon Daily News Network
09/11/2021 04:37 pm
Updated: 09/11/2021 04:45 pm

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Today the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Valyrian Freehold unanimously passed the Emergency Gasoline Reserve Act of 2068. The President of the Supreme People’s Assembly, Jaehaenar Tarnaeros spoke to the media after the passage of the Bill and said “Ensuring the security and continued economic prosperity of the citizens of Valyria is the highest priority of this sacred Assembly of the People, and the passage of this Act will encourage the creation of tens of thousands of high paying jobs in cities all throughout the Valyrian Freehold and will increase the amount of gasoline being produced from our supply of fossil fuels with the goal of establishing self sufficiency in regards to gasoline production. This Act also includes new environmental protections for current oil refinement centers as well as all new facilities that are expected to be built. Balancing the economic needs of our people and the stability of the climate is our highest priority and we believe that this Act is a huge step in the right direction.”

The Triarch of the Valyrian Freehold, Tiberius Aurion is expected to sign the legislation in the city of Nationville which is the largest producer of gasoline in the Valyrian Freehold employing over 60% of the city’s population either directly involved in the pipelines or by servicing the oil refinement centers.

The Emergency Gasoline Reserve Act of 2068- Authorizes the Triarch of the Valyrian Freehold to declare gasoline emergencies where severe gasoline shortages threaten the supply of gasoline for high-priority uses in areas of the Valyrian Freehold on the recommendation of the Premier of the Valyrian Freehold. 

This Act authorizes the Triarch of the Valyrian Freehold to order transfers of supplies of interstate gasoline from one pipeline to another or order the construction and operation of additional facilities, to alleviate gasoline shortages in the interest of economic stability and national security.

This legislation also stipulates that such transfers as ordered by the Triarch of the Valyrian Freehold shall not subject the pipelines to regulation under the provisions of City or other Republic law except as established by the Supreme People’s Assembly. The Act establishes procedures for enforcement of orders issued under this Act. Establishes criteria for compensation of pipeline companies for compliance with such orders. Exempts activities pursuant to this Act from the antitrust law.

The new law authorizes the Triarch of the Valyrian Freehold to require contracts for purchases of emergency supplies of gasoline in relation to national security.

The law imposes civil and criminal penalties for violations of orders issued under this Act.

The passage of this Act is expected by a majority of Valyrian economists to increase gasoline refinement by as much as 100%. However environmental activists claim that this serves to increase the amount of pollution that already exists.
