Nation Bulletin

Blowing Up Terrorist Aggressors

New Year's 2024 bulletin

By The New Cyber News
01/01/2024 05:02 pm
Updated: 02/02/2024 11:20 pm

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Getting caught up

Several months ago, 8 months to be exact, a criminal terrorist organization known by the name as "Hundezündung" (literally meaning "dog ignition") sabotaged security systems of many weapons companies and blew up several of their factories, crippling the arms industry and harming the economy along with it. Liberty, Chief of the Brotherhood Society, stated that the Hundezündung would be incinerated from the face of the planet after recovery. What has happened since then?

The Hundezündung

Since January 5th of 2095, the Hundezündung have attempted several more terrorist attacks on many different private fraternal groups across Nova Cyberia, though most of their successes since then have only been minor, whereas their bold ambitious attempts have been thwarted.

Their largest attempt since was on April 18th of 2095, when they attempted to blow up a retail mall in Kartoffelstadt within Chevron Fraternity territory, although the agents over at Chevron were ready to take them out as soon as they were there. The Hundezündung most successful attack was on May 11th of 2095 at a major family-owned dairy within Brotherhood premises, when the terrorists blew up a milk processing plant, and although the wife and children are alive and well, the same cannot be said for the husband.

Fight back

The Hundezündung appear to go after the major industries of Nova Cyberia, and with such a major implication, it means that their goal is to cripple the might and the spirit of the free society, going after strength and wealth, and to ultimately subjugate the nation. This may sound frightening, but the people have fought and pushed back. The arms manufacturing industry has fully recovered since January 5th, whereas the non-aggression principle has kicked into full overdrive with the entire defense industry collaborating to ostracize the Hundezündung out of the market and retaliate with brute force; otherwise known as physical removal, so to speak.

On September 11th of 2095, the Brotherhood Society, the Blue Cross Society, the Chevron Fraternity, the Yellowheart Order, and the Jefferson Clan all collaborated under "Operation Fireborn" where the Hundezündung headquarters finally discovered in rural Nevada were to be blown up. At first, there was a shootout between the Fireborn Operators and the Hundezündung outside the base, but the Hundezündung were quickly overwhelmed and either surrendered to the Fireborn Operatives or retreated away to God knows where. The Fireborn Operation rescued several hundred hostages and seized hundreds of crates full of firearms, explosives, and ammunition. After the base was searched thoroughly, they gave the go-ahead to blow the base to smithereens. The surrendered terrorists have been found guilty of terrorism, theft, murder, damage of property, kidnapping, among other things, and under the fair trial provided by private arbitrators, shall be strapped with explosives and blown up for their heinous deeds.

It's not over yet

Although the Hundezündung may be severely crippled after the destruction of their headquarters, it only means that they are dispersed; Nova Cyberia must always stay vigilant for aggressors looking to undermine the free society. As for the investigation regarding which foreign government is funding and coordinating the Hundezündung, it has been inconclusive, at least so far, although hints can trace back from across the Atlantic Ocean.

New Year's 2024

Hey, yall. I know many of you had a tough 2023, myself included, but may this year be better for us, and even if it will be a terrible year, may God give us the strength to bear through it. Many of you have made last year better for me with all the funny moments we've had, and I just wanna thank you for that; I especially wanna thank Luna and Finni for letting me be open with them and comforting me, I appreciate you guys for that <3



Posted January 02, 2024 at 1:51 am


Posted January 02, 2024 at 2:38 am

Nevada mentioned :D
