Nation Bulletin

Conservative Rysander Regan Stuns at Polls to Become President of The United Imperium, Orders Mobilization in Asia to Defend Allies

Pictured: Imperium Fighter Aircraft Lighting Afterburners Over the Strait of Hormuz

By Senior Author of the Roosevelt Daily John Strombo
12/26/2023 04:07 pm
Updated: 12/26/2023 04:07 pm

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In a shocking upset, Conservative Rysander Regan raced ahead of Unitarian Allan Milienkovic and Liberal Kasansky Albright to secure the Presidency of the United Imperium. Regan, who was running on a platform of deregulation, anti-immigration, and expanded veteran aid, managed to secure 53% of the popular vote. In a catastrophic performance for the Unitarians, early favorite Allan Milienkovic secured only 7% of the popular vote. Kasansky Albright and the Liberals secured around 38% of the vote to land in a distant second place. Regan will be the first Conservative President since President George Lincoln (who ended his final term in 2080) , but pundits expect that Regan's Presidency will be wildly different from Lincoln's in many ways.

In his first move as President, Regan is expected to continue Roosevelt's partial mobilization of the Asia, Middle East, and Oceania Theater Commands. Roosevelt initiated this mobilization of those three theater commands in preparation to defend two critical allies of the United Imperium in the region, Nebelystan, and Kashmir. This is what Roosevelt had to say on the subject when mobilization began:

It is crucial that the United Imperium continue to defend its interests around the world, and when some of our most critical allies in Asia come under threat, it is only right that we mobilize to defend them. But the critics say that this is not our fight. To which I respond to them by saying "If we do not halt the enemy now, we will only be setting them up for success in the future." We must stand in solidarity with Nebelystan and Kashmir, not just because we are committed to their defense, but because fulfilling that commitment will go a long way towards ensuring our own safety and security on the global stage.

In Regan's second speech to the American people following the campaign victory, he largely corroborated many of the talking points that Roosevelt had brought up at the start of mobilization.

Our allies in the Union of India face a threat to their security and well-being. Nebelystan and Kashmir have stood with us for decades, and we will not abandon them in our time of need. It is only right that the American people continue to stand for the right to self-determination across the world. As the Arsenal of Democracy, we stand ready and vigilant against the threats to ourselves and our allies, wherever they may be in the world today.

The expectation is that through the mobilization of these three theater commands, the Imperium will be able to have around 180,000 troops, 200 ships, and 1,200 aircraft in the region to support the defense efforts of Nebelystan and Kashmir. If a further mobilization is to take place for the United Imperium, those numbers could double or even triple. As the situation develops, it will be important to see how Rysander Regan handles the first litmus test of his Presidency.


Posted December 27, 2023 at 2:23 am

Memem Aster supports this.

Posted December 27, 2023 at 10:57 am

We gladly support your decision in being loyal to the Union of India. 

Posted December 27, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Her Imperial Majesty sends her congratulations to the newly elected President of the Republic of the United Imperium and we hope to establish formal diplomatic ties in the near future.

-Isidoros Castellanoulis, Elysian Envoy to the Republic of the United Imperium

Posted December 27, 2023 at 1:56 pm

And we stand with you. 
