Nation Bulletin

Arms Deals

June 18, 2095

By Northeastern News Network
12/25/2023 01:57 am
Updated: 12/25/2023 01:58 am

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Arms deals

Raritania has embarked on arms deals with Tang and La Plata.
We have agreed to provide the Tang government with 20 BF-02 fighter jets and 30 BQ-01 fighter drones, and to provide another 20 BF-02 fighters in the next month, for a total price of Ø2.1 billion (₩1 billion). In addition, we have agreed to begin construction on a Raritan-class carrier for La Plata, the PCD San Juan.

Quarantines due to Birù death

As the Birù death begins to spread again, Raritania's government has declared that infected and exposed individuals will be quarantined

Return of the Lapunto government 

The Lapunto government has re-emerged on the Antarctic Peninsula. Raritania has officially extended them diplomatic recognition, though they have refused our offer of alliance

Raritania signs an alliance with Poland

Raritania has joined onto the Polish-TUI MDP. Raritania's government states that its relations with Poland are "quite good", though other TUA members aren't quite so friendly with Poland, hence why Poland has not joined TUA.

Daily Meme



Posted December 25, 2023 at 2:22 am

Just because of the 'meme' on NGB being crap, I'll like.

Posted December 25, 2023 at 9:09 am

Yep. Cool.
